Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘weight loss

I’ve been slowly working on losing the baby weight from the moment K was born.  I started at 176.6lbs and I currently weigh 167.8lbs.  I’ve lost approximately 9-10lbs in the last six months.

That’s not as quick as I wanted, but it’s good to know that I am losing weight.

I have to admit, I don’t really exercise right now.  I walk.  I have my Fitbit set to 6000 steps a day.  That’s a struggle to hit on a daily basis just because the needs of the kids differ from day to day and I can’t always just walk around..

I briefly did the Master Cleanse in May and lost about 5lbs, only to gain about 3lbs back.  I didn’t try very hard on that cleanse so I understand why I didn’t do as well as I have in the past.

I do make better choices when it comes to my food and how much I eat.  It’s helped keep the weight down, but it hadn’t helped take the weight off.

I decided to drink more water.

Those that know me personally know I am NOT a water drinker.  In the past, I would probably drink one glass of water and spend the rest of the day drinking coffee or juices.  Water isn’t appealing to me.

But I knew I needed to make a change.

I asked some of my friends what is the right amount of water to drink.  I was told that it was about half of your current weight in ounces, and then more if you want to lose weight.

Calculating that, I figured I had to start drinking about 100 oz a day in order to lose weight…


Coming from a person that could barely drink 8 oz a day, I felt it was nearly impossible!  I also didn’t want to suddenly shock my system with that much water overnight!

So, I’ve been slowly increasing my intake of water.  I haven’t gotten up to 100oz quite yet.  I’m at about 60-70 oz.

What I did was measure out how much 10oz looks in one of our glasses at home.  Then, every hour, I try to drink 10oz.  Every hour is ideal, but it’s doesn’t happen all the time because, you know, kids…

I’ve started to drink 20oz several times during the day in order work on increasing my intake.

I’ve increased my water intake for almost a month and I”m already noticing a difference.

I’ve lost a pound since I’ve started drinking water.

I’ve recently started fitting into some of my pre-prego clothes.  They are still a little snug, but I couldn’t even put them on a month ago without feeling that I would rip them!  I got to wear a pre-prego top at a recent family gathering.  It was quite a great feeling to know that it’s starting to fit.

I’m going to eventually work on incorporating more exercise than just walking.  I’m just waiting on the baby to get a little older.  I know that’s no excuse and there are tons of mothers than work out with infants, but I’m doing what’s right for me and my family.  There is weight to be lost, but I’m not in a complete rush to lose it all.  I know I can lose it all, I’ve done it before.

How much water do you drink a day?  How do you remember to drink water?

Read about my ABC blog series here.

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Yesterday, I talked about how I have the Xbox hooked up again and how I’m using it to help with my weight loss.

I wish I were using it more than I currently am.

I have the game Dance Central 2.  I purchased it around the time I gave birth to M for the same weight losing reason.  I remember Hubby sitting M on his lap while I danced around in our old apartment.

Now, he’s holding K on his lap while M is dancing right next to me.

It’s super cute watching M following the dance moves with her own toddler interpretations… super cute.

Dance Central 2 has a weight loss setting.  So far, I’m using the Easy Mode.  It’s eight songs with easy dance moves.  I thought it was going to a breeze.


It was pretty tiring.  Eight songs and the dance moves weren’t too complicated, but I was pretty tired by the third song.  I think it has a lot to do with living sedentary for almost a year due to the bedrest.

It’s the best kind of exercise can think of at this moment.  I’m at home.  I’m with the kids.  I’m playing games.  I’m dancing.  It’s the perfect workout for me.

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Read about my ABC blog series here.

Look back – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L , M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V

I’m finding it hard to shake this weight…

Yes, I know, I know… I only had the baby eight weeks ago..

I really don’t know what it is with me, but after this pregnancy, I’ve been really wanting to get rid of this weight… I think it’s because I gained waaaaaaay more weight than I expected to due to the bedrest I was on for a majority of my pregnancy.

I’m still at about 170lbs and I’m a loose size 14 jean.  I say “loose” because the size 14 jean is pretty loose on me, but I know that the size down is still too tight for me.

My Fitbit is on me constantly, and it has motivated to move more.  However, I had to lower my daily steps goal from 10K to 5.5K.  I’m finding it nearly impossible to make 10K steps a day, especially with my life right now.  Honestly, I’m finding it difficult to even make 5.5K right now!  I push myself, but most days, I just don’t make it.   I just refuse to lower my steps goal anymore.  In fact, my goal this week is to hit my steps goal every day, Monday thru Friday.

Pending the weather and how K is doing, I try to take the girls out around the neighborhood in our double stroller.  The path I take is about a mile, and really puts a dent into my steps goal.  I wish we could go out and do that more often, but sometimes the newborn is just not in the mood, and I can’t force it.  I try to substitute it by walking aimlessly around the house, but I don’t seem to be getting as many steps in.

We’ve plugged in the Xbox 360 Kinect back in and I’ve tried to do a workout session with our Dance Central game.  It’s definitely a workout, and I really need to try to make time to incorporate that more into my week…

I know this weight is going to go down.  I just wish that it would go down faster than it really is…

I’m just so impatient.  Summer is coming soon (because this is Southern California and we have no real seasons…) and I want to look somewhat decent for the many trips to the beach I promised M we would go on..

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Read about my ABC blog series here.

Look back – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

I need new jeans.  I’m still wearing my maternity jeans around, but because they have been through two pregnancies, everything has been stretched out and the no longer really fit.

When I was pregnant with M, I think I wore these maternity jeans until about the time I went back to work.

I tried to go to Target to buy some jeans about two or three weeks after I gave birth to K.  I had NO idea what size I was.

It’s not a great feeling trying to figure out what size I was.  I didn’t want to grab a size that was too small because that would just make me feel terrible.  So, I went with what I though was too big.

Size 14.

I went into the dressing room afraid that it still might be too small.

Surprisingly, it fit.  Perfectly.

Secretly, I was hoping they would be too big.

Nope.  They fit.

At my smallest, I was a size 2.  My usual pre-prego jean size is normally around size 7 to size 9, depending on brand.

So, for now, I’m a size 14.  What seemed encouraging to me was that I was a comfortable size 14.  It wasn’t a size 14 that I had to squeeze myself into.  I was a size 14 with a little bit of room but still too big to be a smaller size.

I didn’t buy the jeans.  I probably should, but I didn’t.  I don’t know why.  I just didn’t.

Maybe I’ll buy some next month…

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Click here to read about my post-pregnancy weight.

I weighed myself on January 10th, and I weighed 174.0lbs.  I lost two pounds from the first time I weighed myself on January 6th (176.6lbs).

I didn’t really do anything intentional to lose that weight.  I’ve been drinking a lot of water, cut down my sweets intake, and continued to pump and breastfeed.

I plan on getting a Fitbit.  I’m looking into this one.

I plan on using it to increase the amount of steps I will take on a daily basis.  I know that this will help me get more active and mobile to make up for the months I had on bedrest and limited mobility.  Eventually, I plan on hooking up the Xbox and the Kinect to play some dance video games to give me more opportunities for movement and calorie burning.

I plan on making better dietary choices.  Hubby and I have actually started drinking green smoothies, drinks based of either kale or spinach.  I know that I can’t cut down my food intake drastically since I am still nursing, but I do intend on making better choices of what I do put into my body.  Sadly, that means less brownies.  That also means less Pinterest dessert experimentation..

I’m hoping that it won’t take me two and a half years to lose all the baby weight like it did when I had M.  Better food choices and finding ways to be active will definitely help me get back to where I was before I got pregnant with K.  I’m hoping that these changes will happen soon.

I have so many clothes in my closet that I want to wear again.  I’d hate to see them go to waste!

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So I did “the cleanse” again last week.

The plan was to do this cleanse every three months until I hit target weight.

I started the cleanse at roughly 136lbs.  After one week, I ended at about 134lbs.

I’m ending the cleanse after this past week.

I’m ending at 134lbs.

I’m happy with this.  I’m so very happy with this.  When I was at 160+ lbs, I thought that getting back down to this was going to be absolutely impossible.  I got rid of all my old jeans, I got rid of all my old tops, and I accepted the fact that I may never been this size again.

I’m glad I was able to do this and now I know that I can do this again after a second pregnancy.

As for a second pregnancy, this is why I’m ending the cleanse after one week.  No, I’m not pregnant, but I’m definitely wanting to get pregnant this year, maybe even as soon as next month or so!

I’ve already started taking pre-natal vitamins and I’ve already cut down on my caffeine intake significantly.  I just really need to think of preparing my body than losing the weight.

I’m ending the cleanse because I’m changing my focus from losing weight to baby prepping..

Sound good?  Sounds great to me!


I weighed myself this morning…

136.4 lbs

I’m almost there.

I have to admit that battling this cold has helped a lot.  My appetite is very minimal.  My meal sizes are considerably smaller.   I do get full much faster.

I’m definitely NOT fighting it.. I’m letting be.  If I want to eat less, so be it. 

Chasing after the toddler helps too.  We dance around.  It’s a mini-workout.   My weight training comes from carrying her when she asks me to..

I started the year at 143.2lbs.  Sometime during the year, I went up to about 151.0 lbs. 

Now, I will end the year at around 136lbs.  I’ve got a little over a week left of the year, maybe I can bring it down to about 135lbs.

My goal is to be at about 130lbs. 

I’ve pretty much gotten down to my pre-prego weight.. YAY!

Before the pregnancy, depending on my eating habit and activity, I would weigh anywhere between 128-133, maybe even 135 during times I really let myself go..

I still plan on getting down to 130 lbs…

My jeans feel so much looser, hindsight being 20/20, I really shouldn’t have gotten rid of ALL my pre-prego jeans.. I just never thought I’d get down this far..

I probably WON’T buy smaller jeans unless they look really bad.  It’s only because I know baby #2 is a strong possibility this coming year and I don’t want to buy smaller jeans only to wear them for a short time. 

I do want to enjoy my goal weight for a while before I get pregnant again…

I’m almost there.. almost there.. just a little bit more!!!

I did it!  I finally did it!

I woke up about two mornings ago, weighed myself, and saw the numbers 139.8.

I’ve finally broken past those 140s.. and that means I have less than 10 lbs to go!

It’s been a looong time since I’ve seen my weight in these 130s.. and I definitely feel the difference in my clothes and my actions.  It feels really good to see the weight going down.

I still have a way to go, but I’m glad to see I’m progressing..

Yay, weight loss!

Thankful November
November 7 – I’m thankful for the Master Cleanse.  Without it, I wouldn’t have had the little jump start I needed to really see progress..

I spent most of Hawaii eating malasadas and loco mocos.

Then, right after Hawaii, it was M’s Lalaloopsy birthday party.  Of course I spent most of the party budget on the awesome dessert table.  I think I downed about 10 -15 cake pops that whole weekend.  I know that the Sunday after her party, I ate about 6 cake pops for breakfast..

So naturally, I gained weight.

I told myself, and my coworkers, that after all the September fesitivites I’d do a cleanse.

And I did, along with two of my coworkers.

We decided to do the lemon, water, maple syrup and cayanne pepper cleanse.  We had done it before, and I didn’t see any results.  That’s probably because I totally cheated for most of it.. I didn’t lose any weight at all!  This time was going to be different.  And it was.

Also known as the Master Cleanse, we were supposed to drink only this, day and night.  However, we modified it.  We drank it all day, but had a small, sensible dinner.

Some mornings, I had two hard boiled eggs for breakfast.  But I stayed disciplined.  I didn’t binge on food when I got home from work.  I controlled the amount of dinner I ate.

I started the cleanse on dinner of September 8th.  I weighed in at 151lbs.  I looked like it too.  Have you seen my Hawaii pictures?!

We planned on doing it for two weeks, but I’m continuing until I finish the bottle of organic lemon juice I purchased at Costco.  So I think it will take me into part of this week.

I weighed in this morning at 143lbs.  I lost all my Hawaii weight AND some of the weight I’m trying to get rid of in the first place.

I definitely see the results as well.  I no longer look bloated, and I can walk uphill during our walks with no worries at all!

I’m a little bit worried eating regularly again.  I know that I really have to make a change.  I have to change the type of food I eat, and the amount of food.  I’m looking into a more natural approach.  More veggies.  More natural things.  Just overall healthier choices.

I hope I can keep the weight off, and lose more weight.

I used the Master Cleanse as a way to “jump start” the weight loss and get my stomach used to smaller amounts of food.  I’m hoping that I can continue the weight loss by make smarter food choices and doing the walking.

Yay for getting to that pre-prego weight!

I love the summer. 

The days are so much longer.  There is more time to go out after work and still feel like I’m enjoying the day. 

It’s wonderful.

Hubby and I took up walking during these long summer afternoons.

It’s great.

The neighborhood above our apartment complex is a long loop that consists of two pretty hefty hills.  The first time we did it, I was dying.  My shins had no idea what they were up for.  My legs felt like jello and I had to literally lean against the shower wall afterwards because my legs decided they didn’t want to work after that.

Earlier this week, we decided to walk Miramar Lake.. I think that’s what it’s called. 


It’s it beautiful?!

The entire walk would have been about 5 miles, but because we had M with us, we decided to not do the entire walk around.  We did a brisk 15 minute walk in one direction, then turned around and did another 15 minute walk back, then leisurely walked around to discover more of the other side of the area…

Luckily, M was asleep, so I wasn’t too concerned about her being bored while we walked.

These walks are great.  Hubby and I get some time together AND I’m doing some sort of physical activity..

But the sweating?!  Ew.

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