Living life in the carpool lane..

Archive for December 2012

Every year, around this time, I try to write out my resolutions, or expectations, for the following year.

In 2013, I’m going to turn 33.  M will turn 2.  I will be married for 3 years.

I want to see some changes in 2013.. these are my expecations:

I want to retake control of my life.  In 2011, I became a mom.  In 2012, I spent all year trying to figure out what being a “mommy” really means and how it fits into my life.  In 2013, I want to see if I can bring back a little bit of myself while balancing my “mommy” self.  Now some can argue that my “mommy” self is who I am now.  But, I don’t know.  I want to regain a sense of myself outside of my motherhood.  Meaning, I want to be able to redo my wardrobe and fill it with things that are more “me” instead of things that are just easy because I have to chase a toddler, or avoid vomit.  I want to regularly get mani/pedis or massages, just think about me a little bit more than I have been lately.

I want to reorganize and utilize all the space in our apartment.  I like our apartment.  It’s got tons of space that we have not taken advantage of.  I want to reorganize how we have M’s toys.  I want to reorganize the craft space.  I want to utilize the storage units we have so we can have more space.

I want to save money.  I have to start thinking about things on a WANT/NEED basis.  It’s just good practice, especially if we want to eventually get out of this apartment eventually.

I want to blog everyday.  The plan is to try to have an entry everyday.  I’ve done well these past few months.  I think I can keep this going.

I want to start up my Etsy shop again.  I want to get my craft blog active again.  I want to be able to find the time to sit at my craft table and just create.  I want to bring back the Etsy shop so I can use that money to fund the hobby.

These are my expectations for 2013.  I’ll take it one day at a time and I hope that at the end of next year, I can look back and say that I lived up to these expectations..

I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day of 2012.

This year has definitely flown by.

I’ve always felt life fly by so fast, but add a toddler into the mix and life begins to travel at warp speed!

In January of 2012, I was in the last month of my maternity leave.  M just turned 4 months old.  She had her ears pierced.  She was just rolling around, laughing, trying to crawl, but getting nowhere..

And her development just zoomed through the year..

Now, she’s walking (running!), talking, tantruming, laughing, playing, iPad/iPhone working, Dora the Explorer loving.. she’s a full blown toddler.. none of that infant stuff for her anymore!

This was definitely a fast year for our little family.   I’m so glad I started documenting it on this blog.

I loved 2012.  I really had tons of fun!  I even survived the Mayan Apocalypse!

I can’t wait for what 2013 will bring.

There’s something about a mommy.

A child seems to always just want their mommy.

It’s something about a mommy’s hug that seems to make everything right in the world, especially for a sick toddler.

It’s definitely tiring.  She doesn’t want anyone else, so you get no help or relief.  You can’t “change shifts” with daddy to give yourself a break.  You get no “me time” other than the short amounts of time you get to use the restroom.  And even that time is cut short by the little knocks from a toddler whining for “mommy” while daddy tries to comfort her saying, “mommy will be out soon.”

Poor daddy seems to get the sidelined.  He tries so hard to comfort her and spend time with his sick little girl, but everytime she sees mommy, she wiggles out of daddy’s hug and right into mommy’s arms.

There’s just something about a mommy.. and I’m so glad that I am one!

So my little break took a little longer than expected.  It’s no joke that life with a toddler is very unpredictable.  My blogging break is a testament to that.

Our Christmas plans were simple.  We’d be up at my parents house starting on Sunday.  Then we’d go to Mass for Christmas Vigil on the 24th.  We’d wake up early the next day and head out to my cousins house to spend all of Christmas day there.   Then M and I would stay at my parents house until the new year.

But then, Sunday at lunch, it started…

M started sneezing a little bit more than usual.. and her nose was just barely starting to run..

By the time we got home from Mass, she didn’t want to eat much.  She didn’t even want curly fries from Jack in the Box!  She LOVES the curly fries from Jack. 

Her nose turned into a faucet, and she was running a fever.

Not good.

That night, she was miserable.  She tossed and turned.  Neither of us had a good nights sleep.  She also ended up with a fever of 102 at 4 o’clock in the morning.

Not good at all.

A high fever has so far meant an ear infection for her.. never fails… 100% of the time she gets a fever of 101 or higher, it’s an ear infection.

On Christmas day, instead of getting into the car to head off to my cousins house.  We were getting into the car to head off to the local urgent care.  Sure enough, it was an ear infection.. in BOTH ears this time. 

At the same time, my mother started feeling under the weather. 

In order to allow everyone to get the proper rest and keep all the germs separated, I made the decision to go back home instead of staying at my parents house for the rest of the week. 

I had blogged earlier about how I had no more days off left.  However, mommy duties take priority and I took the 26th off of work to take care of M.  She was extremely clingy and I wanted to make sure I was there to comfort her and look after her.

Thankfully, she’s been getting better and better as the days are going by.  The nose is still a little stuffy and runny.  She isn’t as cranky anymore.

She’s started to laugh and run around again.

I’ve never been so happy to see toys scattered around everywhere..

I hope you all had a great Christmas.

Christmas is days away..

I’m happy to say that I’m done with all the Christmas preparations.

Gifts are wrapped.  Cards and made and done.  Gift tags are finished and written out to their recipients..

Life is good.

I’m going to take the next few days off of blogging. 

No new entries for Dec 24 and 25. 

I want to concentrate on family for the next few days. 

Hopefully this break will give me time to recollect and find some new memories to add to this blog.

Have a great Christmas and see you on the 26th!

I swear I think M’s toys come to life just like in the Toy Story movies.

I find her toys everywhere and in the wierdest places! 

I was going through a bag of Target purchases that I had tucked away under the dining table, and while looking through it, I found one of M’s pegs from her pegboard.

When we came home the other day, I found her Little People Disney Princess Belle lying in the nicely folded clean clothes basket by the door..

If the toys come to life while we’re gone, that would be kind of neat.  Hahah, I’ve seen the movies and loved them. 

It definitely would explain why we can never keep these toys contained!

Now, if they would only do us a favor and go back to their respective boxes and bins when they are done for the night.. that would help with clean up a lot!

Well.. today is the end of the Mayan Calendar..

If you’re reading this, then I guess the world hasn’t ended.. yet.

Does anyone know what time that’s supposed to happen?

I wonder if the Mayans took into account the various timezones all over the world…

Does the world end based on the timezone the Mayans were living in? 

In that case, the end of the world would be the 22nd for some other countries..

Or maybe it’s when ever the 21st hits the the world.. so in my case, the end of the world should have been yesterday…

Maybe I just think too much.

Tomorrow the Mayan calendar ends..

I don’t know much about it, and I should have done more research before writing a blog entry about it.. but, oh well. 

Has anyone been preparing?  I know my family hasn’t.. I guess I figure that if it happens, then it happens.

I think if it were to happen, I just hope it’s quick. 

Just one big “poof!”

Then we’re all gone..

The end.

I’m a lab-geek by profession.  I like lab work.  I think it’s fun..

But sometimes, I feel like I’m outgrowing the lab work. 

Sometimes I wish I would move on from the lab onto more “desk oriented” jobs..

It just feels like it’s the natural progression of things..

Now the dream would actually be for me to quit and be a SAHM.. but that’s not the reality..

So I have to think realistically..

I’d like to eventually see myself move on from the lab.. do more non-lab type work now.. then maybe be able to work from home a day or two a week..

I just can’t see myself in the lab forever.. I feel like I need to move on.. even if it’s in the same company..

If I can’t stay home, then I’d like to see my career grow.. even just a little bit..

Is it just me or is the White Elephant gift game really stressing?!

It’s stressful to me in many ways.. mainly because I just tend to over think the entire process.

1.  It’s stressful to get the gift. 
What if it’s something that no one wants?!

2.  It’s stressful to pick a gift out of the pile. 
What if it’s something I don’t want?  Will it hurt the buyers feelings if I decide on something else?  What if it’s something that I do want?  What if someone else wants it too?

3.  It’s stressful to watch the others pick their gift. 
What if no one picks my gift?  What if someone wants the gift I already settled on?

4.  It’s stressful at the end. 
What if I end up with something I don’t want?

Am I the only one that puts this much thought and worry into White Elephant? 

Please tell me I’m not the only one!!!

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December 2012