Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘baby

M – first born

She’s intense.  She’s ‘in your face’ but in the super friendly way.  She sees wants to be everyone’s friend the second she meets you.  She doesn’t understand personal space because she just wants to be your best friend.  She’s super sweet.  She’s affectionate.  She’s funny.  She’s opinionated.  She’s understanding and can ‘go with the flow’ in most circumstances.  She’s articulate.  She’s innocent.  She never means anyone any harm.  She can lose control because she gets so excited and happy about the smallest and simplest situations.  She is a fun, but strong, personality.

K – the baby

She’s a bit quieter.  She’s a bit more reserved.  She can run and laugh with her sister, but you can tell she holds back a little bit more than M does.  While M openly laughs loudly, K can be seen giggling demurely with her hand over her mouth.  She’s a bit more cautious when it comes to other kids.  She’s learning to be more friendly, but hasn’t gotten too close to people she doesn’t know.  She’s opinionated.  She’s strong willed.  She’s a fighter.  She won’t give in.  She will make known when she is unhappy.  She’s a little more serious.  She shows affection on her terms and doesn’t like to be bothered with random hugs and kisses (especially when she’s in the middle of something). She’s the baby and it definitely shows.

I’m loving how their personalities are shaping and changing.  I love the similarities.  I love the differences.  I love watching them interact and how their personalities affect how they play and deal with each other.

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All this time, I always thought that the jealousy would come from M.  I always thought that M would be the more jealous one.  She’s my first born.  For the first three years of her life, she’s been the only one.  Naturally, I thought that she would be the one that would act out whenever she’d see me hold her sister.


It’s all K.

K, at 15 (almost 16) months old, is very possessive.

Whenever she sees me cuddle with her big sister, she immediately wants in.

Neh! (No!)”  K says, as she pulls my arm away from her big sister.

Arrr-mah (Arm)” K says, as she takes my arm away from her big sister and hugs it for herself.

Poor M.

Sometimes I feel so bad at the amount of attention I give K at the moment.  K is at that age where she needs to be watched like a hawk and I feel like M gets a little put aside.  M has been very understanding and will usually find ways to work with us, or will usually find ways to entertain herself.

I try to steal little moments with M.  It’s so interesting to see K’s reaction.  I wasn’t expecting K to be so territorial with me.

It’s a good thing this mommy has two “arr-mahs,”  one for each of my girls.

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The one difference I’ve noticed between my two girls is that K is NOT a sleeper.

M is a great sleeper.  She can easily sleep 11-12 hours a night.  Although she doesn’t nap as often anymore, when she did, she could easily do 2-3 hours.

K is the last one to sleep, first one to wake up.  Her naps are cat naps compared to her sister.  It’s very rare that she nap for more than 30 minutes.

I’m pretty sure M spoiled us with the whole sleeping thing.  K just brought us back down to reality.

The bottom line is… I’m tired.

It’s been non-stop ‘on the go’ since K learned how to pull herself up on to anything that can hold her weight.

Her favorite thing to do in the playpen is pull herself up and side-step around the perimeter while holding on to the rail.

She’s done it so many times that she’s starting to get daring.

She’s starting to experiment with how big her steps and her reach can take her.  Sometimes, she tries to let go and just get from end to end with the least amount of steps possible.  This usually leads to her falling.  She falls.  She falls a lot.  Luckily, the bottom of the playpen isn’t too hard.  She also is learning how to catch herself if she falls forward.  She also falls on her diaper-bootie.

She falls so much because of her determination to walk without support.

She’s incredibly determined.

There are times where she will pull herself up to standing, then turn her body so her back is against the mesh of the playpen.  She will then let go of the railing and allow the mesh to support her.

There are times where she just lets go of the railing completely and finds her balance for over 10 seconds.  During that time of perfect balance, she either tries to lean for a different location, or she grabs on to the railing again for more support.

I love watching her development.  I love watching her try.  I love watching her face when she feels like she’s succeeded in what she was planning on doing.  I love her determined spirit when she falls and just picks herself up again.

The drive in her is just so strong.  Her personality simply shines through.

What else does she have in store for us?  I can’t wait to find out!

We are officially Legoland passholders.

Yes.  One full year of unlimited access to Legoland.

We were so excited to be passholders we went to Legoland TWICE last week.


We spent TONS of time in their new Heartlake City area where the Lego Friends perform on stage.

UntitledWe’ve seen the show three times already and she’s loved being able to get up and dance with the girls!

UntitledThe great thing about Legoland is the water.  Not only do they have that awesome water park, but they have splash pads scattered through out the park.  If you know M, you know that she LOVES the water and getting wet.

Untitled Untitled

K got to spend time in the water park too.  She played in the baby/toddler wading pool and got to crawl around a small area of the baby/toddler splash pad.  I wish I could have taken photos, but I didn’t want to risk ruining my phone!

M also got to ride rollercoasters for the very first time.  She went with Hubby on her first coaster.  She LOVED it so much.  She was so excited to ride another one.  We reached another rollercoaster and we were very surprised that she easily reached the 40in height requirement.  I got to go on that other roller coaster with her.  When we asked her which coaster she liked better she said, “Both!”  I love how brave she is!

I’m sure there will be plenty of Legoland stories to come.  I’m so happy we get to have these passes and create these wonderful memories for our girls.

Hubby had a work picnic at the zoo a few weeks ago.

This was our first ‘amusement park’ outing since K was born.  It was definitely an experience.

K no longer wants to be stuck in her little infant carrier when we are out and about, so she’s been sitting in the double stroller just like M.  K differs so much from M when it comes to strollers, carriers and carseats.  M was mostly content being in a carrier or carseat.  M, til this day, LOVES her stroller.

K does not.

K will do everything in her power to get herself out of what she’s restrained in.  This includes arching her back, wiggling while trying to put the harness on her, and crying/screaming until someone takes her out.

K loves being out and watching the world around her.

Our zoo day was pretty quick.  We tried to get to the zoo early, but we got there an hour after the park opened.  We didn’t realize that was the huge morning rush of people.  It felt so crowded.

We took the zoo tram that took us around the entire zoo and saw many of the animals that M wanted to see.  Waiting in that line with two kids was definitely an experience.  M doesn’t do well with lines and would rather be carried through them.  Obviously we had to carry K.  Because there were so many people at the zoo, the line for that tram was long and because we were carrying both kids, we felt like we were in line for an eternity.  Hubby and I tried to switch kids every so often, but neither of us could figure out who was easier to carry.

The tram ride was fun for M because she got to see a good amount of animals.  K started to get antsy towards the end and started squirming and whining.  I guess tram rides aren’t interesting to seven month olds..

After the tram, we went to the company picnic.  K finally got to get out of the stroller for an extended period of time.  M got to eat ice cream and get her face painted.  She had a great time!

Unfortunately, the heat got to us and we had decided to go home once the company picnic was over.

We intended to go back later when the day was cooler, but once we got home and became settled, it was hard to get the momentum to get out of the house again.

We had a great time, but it was very tiring.  I’m glad we got to go and took some fun pictures that I can’t wait to scrapbook!

K turned seven months on Tuesday.

Seven months.

I still can’t believe it’s only been seven months.

She was just this teeny tiny little baby.  Now, she’s thinks she’s full-fledged toddler.

She’s full-on crawling on all fours instead of the army crawl.  She loves to pull herself up to her knees and eventually up to standing on whatever she thinks can support her weight.  The night before she turned seven months, she figured out how to push herself up to sitting from being in the crawling position.

It’s just all too much for me to handle..

And she is seriously all over the place.  With M, we had a big mat and blanket on the ground for her to crawl on.

We’ve pretty much given up on that with K.  The minute she was mobile, she took every opportunity to move off that mat and blanket.  It became too much of a hassle and a tripping hazard to keep it on the floor, so we packed it up.  She crawls all over the carpet now.

She’s also learned that there is life outside the living room.  She figured out that she can crawl herself into the play/craft area all on her own.  She loves to follow her sister when M starts playing in that area.

There is no stopping little K.

I literally spend an hours on the ground with her in the morning just crawling around with her and making sure that she doesn’t try to pull herself up onto something that isn’t stable enough.  But believe me, she’s determined.  Sometimes, she’ll crawl over the item she knocked down to get to what is sturdier in order to pull herself up.

My girl knows what she wants.

Her sixth month was just filled with milestones.  I’m so proud of her.

I wonder what fun her seventh month is going to bring…

If you’ve read this blog for awhile, you know we are cosleepers.

All four of us are in the bed at night.

It’s great until the 3 year old wakes up.

It’s great until the 3 year old wakes up at 4 am.

It’s great until the 3 year old wakes up at 4 am and wakes up her baby sister.

It’s great until the 3 year old wakes up and 4 am and wakes up her baby sister, falls back asleep and leaves ME to take care of the baby that’s now wide awake.

I’m just saying.

K is almost seven months old… can you believe it?

This sixth month has been such a whirlwind of milestones, I can barely keep up!

She’s been doing the army crawl since she was 5 months old, and she’s starting to master crawling with her belly off the floor.  It’s amazing watching her trying to figure it all out.

She’s starting to figure out how to sit down from being in a crawling position.  It’s funny how she seems so surprised when she actually pulls herself up to sitting.  She’ll look at me as if she was saying, “How did I do that?!”

Her latest obsession is trying to pull herself up to standing using whatever she can get her hands on.

She’s an expert at pulling herself up to kneeling.  She can get that done in an instant.  She loves pulling herself up to kneeling using my lap.  Then, she grabs my hands and together we pull her up to standing!

She also tries to pull herself up using various toys.  She hasn’t quite understood that some toys are more stable than others.  I’m constantly hovering over her to make sure she doesn’t knock a toy down and hurt herself in the process.

In her playpen, she can use the mesh to push herself up to a kneeling position.  She feel stuck when she can’t move her knees closer to pull up to standing and she starts to whine in frustration.  Sometimes, I help her, so she can learn the motions of pulling herself up.  Other times, I leave her alone.  I want her to figure it out on her own.  Sometimes, she gives up and lies back down.  Sometimes, she tries and tries until the frustration gets to be too much and starts to cry.  I know she’s going to get it.  She’s getting stronger and smarter and I know it’s all going to click one day.

It’s non-stop with her.  She constantly wants to be on the floor to try do so many different things.  I feel like I don’t do anything all day but crawl all over the floor with her.  She only wants to carry and cuddle when she wants a bottle and wants to sleep.

She’s an active little girl with such a determined spirit.  She will crawl over my leg, or her own sister, to get to where she wants to go.

I love watching her learn about the world around her.

You can read their first status report, here.

We’re six months into their lives as sisters and I have to say that their time together just gets better and better.

Yes, I know that there will come a point in their lives when the fighting will start, but I’m going to revel in their joy and harmony and cherish every second of their happiness together.

With K sitting and crawling, it’s easier for them to do things together now.  It’s fun to watch them play with the same toys.

I love watching K observe how M handles and plays with certain toys and objects.  I feel like K is learning so much from all simple acts of playing together.


K still adores M.  K is always full of smiles when M is around and giving her attention.  The hardest we’ve ever witnessed K laugh was due to M’s silly dancing.  Just watching how K looks at M, I know that she is going to look up to her sister in every way.

M still loves K.  “I love my little sister,” is often heard coming out of M’s mouth.  M loves K’s fuzzy hair.  M loves hugging and kissing her little sister.  M loves having K lie down next to her.  M is very patient when K begins to climb all over her, or when K decides to pull on her hair.  M doesn’t fight back.  M just lets it all happen.  She’s such a good big sister.

I’m hoping that these feelings they have toward each other continue to grow.  I hope it never changes, even through all the fighting and disagreements they will encounter growing up, I hope the remember how much they adore and love each other.

Hope you all have a fun and safe Fourth of July holiday.  We will be celebrating with family and I hope to have a blog update on our holiday next week!

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