Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘goals

Hey, that rhymes!

We’re at the end of July and I’m sitting here wondering where the month went.

I feel like we JUST came back from the awesome 4-day weekend that was the 4th of July.  I JUST got used to writing “07” on all my paperwork.  I JUST accepted the fact that my daughter was twenty two months old, so close to two years old, I was in major denial. 

Tomorrow is August. 

In January, I didn’t set any goals for 2013.  But I feel like I haven’t really done much this year.  I feel like I’ve been letting the months just go by. 

So, with July ending, I want to set some goals for the end of the yearl

Reopen the Etsy store, CutieQ Cards n Crafts: I’m in the process of building inventory for the store.  I have about 4 cards listed as drafts.  It’s just a matter of getting up to 10 items listed before I make them public.  I am taking custom orders through my Facebook page, CutieQ Cards n Crafts, that I turn into Etsy custom orders.  Visit my Facebook page for details.

Take a vacation:  This is a cop-out goal.  We have a vacation lined up already.  So, if God permits, this goal will be completed by the end of August.

Handmade Christmas gifts: Because our Christmas list seems to grow every year, AND because I LOVE giving handmade stuff away during Christmas, I would love to create handmade cardsets for some of the families that are near and dear to us.  I just have to find the time and inspiration.  I also need to make a list so I know how many I  need to do..

Family pictures: M is just a handful and a half.  She’s so full of energy, I’m really hesitant about this goal.  I’m afraid that we won’t be able to take good pictures because she’ll refuse to stay still.  But I love my family, and I would love to capture every year of our lives, if possible.  This goal is a “maybe.”

Project Life:  I’m barely getting into March on my 2013 Project Life scrapbook.  The goal is to get to June before the end of the year. 

Vegas?!  Every year, I set a goal to go to Vegas.  I like Vegas.  We went last year and it was such a different experence with a child.  I still like being there, I think it’s all the lights..  This goal is a “maybe.”

That’s all I can think about.. Those seem attainable. 

We’ll see how far I got when December comes.

Every beginning of the new year, I’m always strangely and overly optimistic that this is the year that my life is going to change profoundly…

Ok, 2010 was one of those years..

Oh.. definitely 2011 was one too..

But, every year, I think to myself that things are going to change.. life is going to change.  I always take the beginning of the year as a fresh start..

“This is the year I’m going to change the world!”

This feeling usually dies down about a week later.. when I’m living my life day to day the same way I was living it the previous year.

I’m still in the middle of feeling very optimistic..

This is the year I will learn to save money!  This is the year that I will start scrapbooking, or at least Project Life!  This is the year I will get my Etsy store set up and actually selling things!  This is the year I will take couponing a little more seriously!  This is the year that I will do exactly everything I say I will do!  This is the year I will be more organized!  This is the year that I will lose all the baby weight!

This is the year I will keep my motivation up!

2013 is my year!

Wow.. two days..

This week is going insanely fast.. I feel like there is so much to do.. but I think I’m just starting to wrap things up.. today is my last full day to get everything done.. and get everything packed.. because tomorrow is full of mani/pedis, eyebrow threading.. and trying to be organized for Saturday..

Also, my aunt is flying in from Guam.. my matron-of honor is driving in from Arizona.. and Joe’s brother is flying in from a business trip in China.. so many things going on tomorrow that I have to keep the chaos contained to today..

Yesterday was so full of emotions.. I think it’s better to get them out now so I don’t explode with tears on Saturday.. which probably will happen anyway.. I figure that I need to mentally “detach” myself from the fact that it’s ME getting married.. in order for me not to be a bumbling ball of crybaby.. but who knows.. totally easier said that done.. I’m sure!

I picked up my dress.. my stomach was in knots.. I don’t know why.. sitting there for the last time in Alfred Angelos.. knowing that this was the last time before the wedding.. that was overwhelming… my mind kept racing through worst case scenarios.. like they lost my dress.. or they messed it up completely.. or they handed me the wrong one!

But.. I just checked right now.. for like the third time!  It’s the right dress..

Then.. last night we went to the Choir’s final rehearsal.. they way they arranged the songs they are going to sing.. the way the pianist plays so passionately.. they moved me to tears.. I am beyond grateful..

I mentioned it on Facebook shortly after the rehearsal.. it’s just so overwhelming to believe that the prep that everyone is going through is for ME.. I’ve been so used to preping and singing and working for other people’s weddings.. I used to dream of my own all the time.. but I never thought it would feel this way when it was finally my turn.. people were actually taking time from their busy days to practice singing at MY wedding.. who knew that I would ever be able to experience this..

We also got the photo montage from my photographer.. It’s cute.. but.. well.. after the wedding I’ll do a whole series on blog posts rating and reviewing each one of my vendors.. the good.. the bad.. and the awesome!

Today is a busy day.. I’ll be going to my besties house to finish up our wedding programs.. I gotta push on through with the thank you cards for the people involved in the wedding.. I’m almost done..

Then I need to get the packing list from my beloved “husband-in-two-days..” so I can start on the packing for the honeymoon..

Lots of things to do..

Tomorrow.. I’m going to find the time to write the blog entry I’ve been dying to write but have been too hesitant to write it too soon.. I didn’t want to jinx the engagement.. and I also felt that the day before the wedding would be the best time to write it..

We can do this..

Rachel:  OMG, hun!  We’re getting married in THREE DAYS!!!
Joe:  I know! I’m gonna faint!


He’s gonna faint!?

Joe’s so funny.. he’s sooo opposite of me when it comes to being the center of attention.

Not that I always want to be the center of attention… but I’m the kind of person that doesn’t really mind being in the spotlight.. it’s the “theater” in me..

It’s my first day off.. my first “vacation” since.. sheesh.. I don’t know when.. the only time that I was home like this was when I had quit my previous job and was looking for a new one.. I can hardly say that was a vacation because I was so stressed out about finding work.. that I didn’t really enjoy the time off..

Now.. I’ve got a vacation.. but I’m working just as hard..

I’m in the process of typing up the ceremony for the Church so that it’s ready for the Church coordinator, the priest, and those that are involved in the wedding ceremony.

I’ve also been doing load after load after load of laundry.. gotta get ready for Hawaii.. but I don’t know what to pack.. Lotsa clothes.. and shoes.. that’s all I can think of.. sheesh!  Why is it so hard?!

I’ve got to pick up dress (FINALLY!) today.. I’ll be running around like a mad man later on this afternoon.. this morning is set aside completely for typing up the Mass and for laundry..

So I guess I better get off of here.. If I have extra time.. I can make a few more cards for those involved in the wedding.. I got the Ninang/Ninongs and Bridemaids done.. working on the Groomsmens.. then the cord/candle/veil sponsors.. then I think I’m done with that..

So much to think of.. gotta tackle things one at a time..

Tomorrow will be one week.

Eight days..

That’s all I have left to get everything done. 

Bridesmaids and all involved are getting bombarded with emails, phone calls, and text messages.. information is flying out of my hands so fast.. it’s hard to remember if I told the right people the right bits of info..

The stress level is definitely up.. and no matter how much I try to relax.. it’s impossible..

My mind races at a billion miles a minute.. thoughts are darting all over the place..

All of you marrieds have been there..

I’m excited..

Knowing that I have been blessed with someone I will be spending the rest of my life with.. someone that I will start a family with.. it’s such a big concept to me to wrap my head around.. marriage. 

I’m truly blessed.. he’s been super extra cooperative this week and I couldn’t be happier..

Eight days, ppl… eight days.

Things I think I would like to do in the near future:

Participate in a blog hop:
I visit several crafting blogs and they always seem to have blog hops.. or do cute blog-community sorta things.  So it’s a random thing I want to participate in.. maybe when life settles down a bit..

Start a craft blog
I like doing my cards and my crafting things.. why not make a blog.. and be famous in the “craft world” like those people I tend to frequent..

I’m such a nerd… but.. moving on!

Start a blog based on a one-year personal project:
Ok.. so I’m totally stealing this idea from that whole Julie/Julia movie.. I’m getting up there in age.. I feel my life is slightly stagnant.. why not force myself to go through a one-year self-discovery sort of project.. it’s like high-tech middle age syndrome for Generation-Y.. Or is it Generation-X.. I don’t even know what Generation “Letter” I should associate with!

Start a little business
I like making cards.. why not get paid for it.. I’ve got a cute little business name in my head too.. and it’s not like I want this to be something that I will totally abandon my career in the biotech industry for.. it’s just something for a little extra spending cash.. cha-ching.. cha-ching!

Ok.. so a lot of it has to do with crafting and blogging..

Ugh.. NERD!

I got back yesterday from a nice and long vacation out in Las Vegas.  The plan was to leave on Monday morning, but we decided to be daring and we left early evening on Sunday.

The weather was perfect, not too hot during the day.. and oh.. so comfortable at night.. loved every second of it.

We stayed in a timeshare a few miles away from the Las Vegas strip.  It made in convenient because you can really only do the Las Vegas Strip about three days before it becomes monotonous.  We discovered the many malls and other resorts around the city out side of the strip and made the most of our surroundings.

Again.. loved every second of it.

I learned that I can stay away from my laptop for a week.  The resort we were staying at did not offer free wi-fi so I didn’t not feel like paying extra for it.  I didn’t log on to my computer ONCE.

I did have my blackberry with me so I was able to check my emails and pop into Facebook every so often, but I didn’t not do anything else “computer-related..”

It was kind of relieving.  I didn’t know I could do it.. but I did..

Now I’m refreshed and ready to take on the world..

I also accomplished another thing on my “list” for this year.. going to Vegas more than once.. yay me!!!

So remember when I said I was going to make it my resolution to go to Disneyland at least five times this year..

Well.. it’s been done!

I went to Disney’s California Adventure yesterday with OT.

On April 2nd, I plan on going to Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure again with some family.

I know.. I’m a grown woman.. Disneyland should be the last of my priorities..

But seriously.. that place helps “destress” me when life gets too hectic.  It’s one of those places that you can just let things go and have fun..

Funny thing is that OT and I saw my ex’s best friend working at the park yesterday.  I wasn’t expecting to see him but I always knew I was going to run into him there.

It wasn’t a big deal.. I didn’t go over there and say hi.. why would I?  And I know he saw me.. cuz I saw him notice us..

He may something to the ex.. but I don’t care.. I’m so far detached from that relationship that things like that are no longer a big deal.

I just found it amusing that I finally saw him there..

Anyway.. I got one thing done of my list of goals this year.. and we are only three months into this new year..

Looks like this maybe be a good year.. let’s keep praying that’s so!

Here’s a little tidbit I don’t think many know about me..

When I was little.. my parents asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I told them I wanted to be a waitress at McDonalds..

A waitress at McDonalds.

Hahaha.. they don’t even HAVE waitresses at McDonalds.

Maybe I meant “cashier..”

Most kids say.. doctor.. lawyer.. fireman.. singer.. dancer..

I said waitress.. at McDonalds.. a place that doesn’t even have waitresses..

I really knew how to aim high.. I guess bacteriologist at a veternarinary diagnostics laboratory comes close to what I wanted.. who knew?

I’m running out of ideas for blog entries.. I’d love it if someone who was reading this would add a question in the comments.. get me going on something to write about..  I am struggling for something to write and I don’t want to be the type of blogger that rambles about aimlessly.

I’ve done that so many times on other blogs.. it’s not that fun..

I guess I can revisit a past blog entry.. Oh, the places I will go..

According to that entry.. it mentions Las Vegas.. Disneyland.. Solvang.. Comic-Con.. a cruise.. and going out of state..

Looks like I’m working my way through the list..

I have plans for Vegas.. so I’m not going to mention them here because I really don’t want to jinx anything..

I went to Disneyland again a few days ago.. I think I’m up to.. two visits.. OT took me for V-day weekend.. and I took Mom on Sunday..

Solvang looks like a lost cause this year.. I don’t know if I want to waste three hours of driving for Solvang.. or three hours of driving for Vegas..

Comic-con comes later in the year.. so we’ll see about that..

A cruise may have to wait due to some saving up of money.. need the money.. need the money.. need the money..

And out of state.. well.. I did just come back from Arizona.. so that totally counts!

See.. I’m chuggin’ along!

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