Living life in the carpool lane..

Archive for January 2009

Fridays are usually one of my favorite days of the week.  It leads right into the weekend, and it’s usually the day that I get to see OT.

Not this Friday.

This Friday leads to a working Saturday and an OT-less weekend.

It’s also Super Bowl weekend.  I lose my boyfriend to the Super Bowl.  I lose my boyfriend to football season.  This is my first experience to “losing a boyfriend” to sports.  Eh, I handled it fairly well.

I guess the distance helps us with that issue.  We’ll see what happens when we actually live in the same area.

Anyway.. I digress..

I work tomorrow.  Because I work in a bacteriology lab, we pretty much have to have someone in the lab everyday.  It’s not a big thing, we just have to keep certain bacteria alive in certain samples so that we are able to find them and tell the veterinarians what they need to know about their sick or dead animal.

We are on a rotating schedule.  Most of us take one weekend a month.  There are five of us on the rotation, so sometimes there are months where I don’t have to work on a Saturday.  That’s always nice.  February is one of those months.

It’s easy work though.  I just have to put most things in the refrigerator or work with some things to make sure stuff grows over the weekend.   Should only take me a few hours.. hopefully not eight!

Next month.. I’ll be working at another lab.. but that’s another story..

No wonder some of my friends call me a workaholic!!

Valentine’s Day.

February 14th.

Now.. all the people that know me know that I’m not a big Valentine’s Day person.  My thing is that Valentine’s Day is just once a year.  Why do guys HAVE to be nice to their girlfriends/wives/etc only once a year?  Shouldn’t the “Valentine’s Day” spirit be something that is expressed all year long?

I also think that the one day that should be special between a couple is their ANNIVERSARY.  Not Valentine’s Day.

It’s meant to be a feast day for St. Valentine.

Anyway, it’s OT’s and mine’s first Valentine’s Day together.  I’m not really asking for anything at all.  I’m not really expecting to go anywhere or do anything at all.  The one thing I did want was for us to be together that day.

I don’t expect flowers, candy, a cute card, or any such gesture that day.  I mean, he’s more than welcome to do so, but it’s really not expected and I won’t be disappointed if he doesn’t do anything.  I’ll just be glad that he’s there with me.

Now, I’ll be disappointed and sad if he missed our anniversary.

Those are the days that are the most important to me when it comes to relationships.

So, I pretty much make it easy for the guys that I have dated in the past.  They usually seem to be pretty relieved when they find out my stance on V-day.

I’m just glad that I get to spend that day with a pretty cool guy this year.  Blessed.


That is the view from the elevator to our hotel room when we went to Las Vegas a few weeks ago.. I took that picture when we first walked down that hallway.  I didn’t realize how creepy it would look til this day..

Lots of things are going on this month.  Remember what I said about complacency?  Well.. it’s all going to change soon.

I’m going to be going to a conference for one week in Phoenix, Arizona.  This is the second time that I will be traveling by myself.  I actually like taking these little trips by myself.

I will be having an entire suite all to myself.  It will give me a lot of time to think about things and live my life according to what I want to do for that week.

I know it won’t be a very exciting week.  I’ll be doing homework most of the nights I will be there because I will have just started a class that week.  I won’t know anyone.. so I hope I make some friends that we can go out and have a good time for a night or two around the area.

I’ve never been to Arizona.  My cousin lives there but I don’t know how close she lives to Phoenix.  I’ll try to get a hold of her to see if she wants to swing by with her kids to say hi.

I’m excited to go.  This should be fun.  Take away my hum-drum complacency.. even if it’s just for a week..

dsc00978 “Reunited and it feels so good… ”

OT and I were in Anaheim, CA on Saturday.  We spent the day here as a little day out since this was the first time we had seen each other since he left for his Asia trip last year.

After three weeks over seas, and one week at home.. it was nice to finally see him.

And according to the date, this picture was taken on our eighth month anniversary.

I’m not really one that makes a huge deal about month-iversaries, but it’s nice to make a little note of the months that go by as we are being together.  We look quite different than we did on our first date. For starters, we are way more comfortable with each other, but that definitely comes with time.

Eight months did fly by pretty quickly.  I wouldn’t change it for the world.

dsc00096Our first date.. we were obviously skinnier back then.  Younger, too.  Our first date was at Disneyland.  It was a good place to go.  I recommend it for a first date.  We had talked for about three weeks before we actually went  on our first date, so it was pretty comfortable spending the whole day with him at an amusement park.

I wish I fit in those pants.  They are size 2’s!

He’s not a big “disneyland” type person, but he is willing to go because he knows I like it.

My.. how time flies.. only a matter of months until we hit the big “one year..”

Let’s pray for many months and years to come..


Yesterday.. (click here).. I complained.. and complained.. and complained..

Today.. it’s time to do something about it.. I have to.. I can’t spend the rest of my life complaining about what could be done.. and just not do it.. right?

Well.. ok.. here we go..

I’m going to start taking more control of my life.. start making myself accountable for things that I have been too lazy to do.. I’ll put myself on a cleaning schedule..

So far.. I designated Wednesdays as my laundry days.. and possibly Mondays or Thursdays to be my room cleaning days.. I refuse to fall behind on that.. and  I have to be mature enough to take care of it.. no matter how tired I get..

I’m not a kid anymore..  No one is going to do it for me.. (unless I pay them.. hahaha!)

Now that I zero’d out my credit cards.. I will make sure to keep them under control.. and try to limit my monthly card spending to $250-300 a month..

I’ve got student loans coming up next year.. I want to be financially prepared for all of that..

I started last year with the same outlook.. overhauling my life.. trying to be more responsible and more mature.. but for some reason my laziness got the best of me..

I really have to stop letting that happen..

I’m going to take it one week at a time.. and I know there are weeks where I will not live up to the expectations I put myself in.. but that can’t mean I give up.. I have to pick myself up where I left off and keep at it..

I think I can do it.. I hope I can..

There are certains things in my life that can be deemed “questionable..”

But I have learned over the years to just give it up to God and let him take care of things.. I trust that He knows what direction He’s leading me to.. and I trust that He knows what He is doing with me.

However, it’s not as easy as it seems.  Life seems to send twists and turns.  Once you get comfortable with one thing.. or you finally decide that maybe this is the path you are set out to walk on.. you get thrown off and you suddenly find yourself lost.. or at least jilted..

I’m sorta at that point right now.  For the past few weeks I had settled on what I thought was what I was meant to be.. to feel.. to have..

I wake up this morning sure of what I feel.. but not sure that I’m allowed to feel that way just yet..

It’s hard to explain without giving it all away.. which I really don’t want to do.. these are just thoughts in my head right now.. not ready to be materialized into actual actions..

I will say that I know how I should know.. and I do what I should do.. but as more time passes.. it just all becomes questionable.. I want what I want.. and I know what path I desire to follow.. but it seems like I’m being thrown off again.. or.. at least.. slowed down..

I needed something to break the momentum.. and it looks like I found it.. but did i really want it after all??

I’m not scared of change.. I’m not scared of what is to come.. I’m just scared that I will fail at it all.. I don’t want to be a failure in life..

So.. here we are.  I’m on the computer.. and OT is snoring..

Yes.. he’s actually here.  We are actually in the same room.. we are seeing each other in person..

To catch up the people that don’t know, my boyfriend lives an hour and a half away from me.  Right after Christmas he went on this trip to Asia.  He got back last weekend when I was in Vegas.  Because of our distance, we were unable to see each other til this weekend.

Basically, our relationship is mainly a weekend thing because we live so far apart.  We both work full-time.  We only have the weekends free.

He’s sleeping… just like I thought he would be.

But honestly, it’s ok.  I’m just happy to have him around right now.  I’m just happy to be able to pinch his arm.. or turn his head so he can stop snoring.. or have him to cuddle.  These are the weekends I cherish the most.

I don’t know what we’re going to do tomorrow.  I’ve pretty much got the whole day free.  I’m sure whatever we will do will be fun.

I’m just glad to have him back..

There are times when song lyrics just seem to touch my heart.  I truly believe that there is a song out there for every single emotion and every single event that can occur in someone’s life.  If not, then in a matter of time, the song will be written.

Song lyrics are important to me.  I grew up with muic.  Music, especially singing, has been such a huge part of my life and has become something I love to do to relieve stress and release energy.  I love to sing.  I love to express my feelings through songs and song lyrics.

I swear, I could totally live my life as as musical.  I could probably break into a musical number at any point of the day.  That’d be entertaining.

Today, I’m home from work because I’m not feeling too great, and I have got so much cleaning up to do and homework to catch up on.  I’ve got iTunes programmed to shuffle through my 1400+ songs.. and this song comes up…

“I’ll Be There For You” sung by a Filipino singer, Aiza Seguerra.

When you wake up each mornin’
and you feel like callin’
I’ll be there for you
When the road seems uncertain
And you can’t stop the hurtin’
I’ll be there for you
When there’s no one beside you
I’ll be there to guide you
Catch you each time you fall
When the stars won’t shine anymore
I’ll be there…

When the world is unkind
And your dreams they need more time
I’ll be there for you
If the rules they keep breakin’
And the future is fadin’
I’ll be there for you
The rainbow will end in the palm of your hand
Don’t ever let it go
When the stars won’t shind anymore
I’ll be there…

Who knows where we’ll go
What will tomorrow bring
When we have each other
Just hold on tight
We can take to the skies and fly…

I’ll be there for you

The rainbow will end in the palm of your hand
Don’t ever let it go
When the stars won’t shine anumore
I’ll be there…

I’ll be there…

This song is so pretty and the words just mean so much to me.  I dedicate that song to all my close friends, family.. and OT.. cuz it’s just a cute thing to do..

I can pretty sentimental, especially when it comes to songs and song lyrics.  One thing that you will start to learn about me is that I can pretty much identify a song with any feeling I am experiencing.  This may be the first, but it definitely won’t be the last..

I know you are all dying to see some of the pictures my Las Vegas adventures, but I do these blogs at work, and I can’t upload my pictures on to my work computer.

It’ll have to wait until I have time to upload the pictures, and post an entry at home..

Let’s shoot for this weekend.. cross your fingers!

There’s been a lot going through my mind.. random things mostly.. stress.. a yearning..

I’m wanting to do so many things and I know there isn’t enough time in a lifetime to accomplish them all.  Sometimes that makes me discouraged.. other times.. it makes me feel determined.

Right now I just feel complacent.  Work.. home.. school.. work.. home.. school..

I know that I’m just chugging along and finishing my MBA  program.. by December I should be done.  I’m already halfway through my first class of the year.  The time is flying by. 

Things will change up eventually.  Once school is done I’ll have free time to do things again.  I’ll be able to schedule things again.  I’ll be able to have a life again.

These are the things I knew I had to sacrifice going back to school.  I chose to go back anyway. 

Feeling stuck in one place just doesn’t feel good to me.  I feel stuck.  I don’t like feeling stuck.. I want to move.  I want the freedom to go where ever without having to worry about homework or deadlines and due dates.

I keep thinking to myself that this is the home stretch.. it’s pretty much all downhill from here.. it’s a countdown to the number of classes I have left.. I’ve gotten over the hump.. and it’s just a downward slide to the degree..

Then.. my life can begin.. and I can make those life altering changes comfortably.. even though I’m not sure how I’d fare financially..

Let’s just not think about it too much right now..

The vacation is over and there was a lot to see and do.  There was also a lot that we didn’t do.  But Vegas has soo many things to do, it’s tough getting them all done over a three-day weekend.

Also, the boyfriend’s back (and you’re gonna be in trouble.. hey now.. hey now..).

If everything work’s out, I should be seeing him this weekend.  I hope I can finish my massive paper before then, or at least get a huge chunk of it done.

I also need to clean my room, do some laundry, unpack my stuff from Vegas, and go do that dance class thing twice a week.

Seems like I have a lot on my plate.  So I am hoping to devise a game plan.

If I get home and put in a load of laundry and then diligently do some homeworke (without distractions!!).. then I can finish a little early and spend at least an hour and a half working on my room every night.  That should make my room clean by the weekend..

Oh man.. I hope!

Sometimes it feels like we need an extra hour a day.. or an extra day a week.  It feels like nothing gets done.

I know i’m not the only one that feels this way.. everyone has their moments.

OT’s vacation has also thrown me off a little.  Since he hadn’t been around for several weeks, there was no need for me to really make sure I cleaned up everything on the weekends.  Things just piled up.  Now.. I suffer the consequences.

I think I’ll blame this on his vacation.. hahaha.. way to avoid blaming myself and my procrastinating ways!!

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