Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘14 loves

My “14 Loves” countdown to Valentines Day series is over for the year.  It was my first time doing it and I’m actually really happy with how it turned out.   It gave me a great reason to blog every day again.

If you noticed, I didn’t include Hubby, M, God, my Catholic faith, and any other obvious loves that everyone always includes in their “I love…” type lists.


It’s not because I don’t love them.  I actually love a lot.  It’s pretty obvious how much I love them all. 

I didn’t put them on the list because I wanted to focus on the little things.  Every day, I get consumed with the mundane details of daily life.  I start to complain about life.  I start to feel bored.  I start to yearn for change and excitement.

“14 Loves” allowed me to focus on the little things in my life that aren’t as mundane as I thought.  It allowed me to realize that my life is full of love and happiness, even in my day-to-day activities.  It reminded me that my life is good, not boring.

Take some time to find the little things you love about your life and hopefully next year you can join me doing “14 Loves.”

For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love my life…

Despite my usual complaints, I really do love my life.  I really do think that I’m fully blessed in this life.  I enjoy my life, I enjoy the people that surround me.  I thank God every day for the blessings He grants me every day. 

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my readers! 

I hope everyone enjoyed “14 Loves” and will join me next year finding 14 things in your everyday life that you love!


For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love space heaters..

I hate being cold.  I love the warm, cozy feeling of  being surrounded by warmth.  It’s very comforting to be under blankets and comforters.  I hate have cold feet.  I especially hate getting out of the shower into a cold bathroom!

The space heater is the best invention for people like me!

I have to have a space heater in the bathroom while I take a shower.  I have to be warm before, during, and after the shower.  I get paralyzed with coldness if there is no warmth to welcome me out of the shower.  Yes, I realize I have issues..

I have a heater with me in my cubicle.   I don’t think I could manage working all day if I was cold.  That’s just impossible.

Thank God for heaters! Thank God for warmth!

For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love Starbucks, but Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf more…

I love coffee.  If I could, I’d drink coffee everyday.  But since we are trying for another baby, and coffee every weekday usually leads to headaches on the weekends, I haven’t been drinking any caffienated drinks.  This slight obstacle doesn’t stop me from making frequent visits to Starbucks.  I love that they have oatmeal for breakfast and sandwiches and salads for lunch.  If Coffee Bean was more accessible, I’d probably go there for their tea lattes. 

I love that Starbucks has their rewards system.  I love that Starbucks has an app to pay.  I love how convenient Starbucks likes making my life.

I go to Starbucks so much that M even knows the logo.  It never fails that every time we see the logo she exclaims, “Starbucks!”

Yup.. I love Starbucks!

For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love Podcasts.

Podcasts help me get through the work day.  When I was working in the lab, we used to have a radio.  It only picked up one station and it wasn’t music that any of us in the lab enjoyed.  Eventually, we got rid of the radio and worked in silence.  Because of the silence, I started bringing my headphones and started listening to podcasts.  I listen to them to keep me entertained while doing my work.  I love podcasts that make me laugh.  They make my day go faster.  It’s wonderful. 


For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love smiles.

Smile.  It makes you feel better about everything.  Smile at someone, and you’ll totally make their day. 

This morning, M woke up earlier than my alarm.  I was trying to get her to go back to sleep, but she just couldn’t.  I got up to get ready for work.  The bedroom was dark as I left the bathroom so I used my phone’s flash light to look for something on the dresser.  I heard a shuffle in the bed and when I shined the light onto the bed, M was sitting up with the hugest grin on her face.  That smile just made my morning. 

Toddler smiles are the purest form of happiness I can think of.  Toddler smiles warm my heart.  Her smile just makes everything I do worth it. 

Smile.  It will help the world feel like a better place.

For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love Post-its.

They are little pieces of paper with a strip of adhesive that you can stick almost everywhere.  It’s the perfect way to leave reminders everywhere.  Sure, I could use my cell phone to help remind me about stuff, but where’s the fun in that? 

Pink Post-its are the best. 


For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love sleep.

I do.  I really do.  I love sleeping in.  I enjoy the weekends or days off where M and I can just wake up whenever we please.  I used to be able to sleep until 11am, or even noon!   Now, I can wake up at around 9am and still feel like I’ve slept in.  There’s just something great about waking up without the sound of a blaring alarm. 

Sleep is wonderful.

For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love Fridays!

Who doesn’t love Fridays, especially when your work schedule is Monday-Friday?!  Fridays are the light at the end of a workweek tunnel.  Fridays are awesome.

That’s all I have to say about that!

For the first part of February, I will be counting down my 14 loves  until I get to February 14th.  This is a great way to get back to blogging daily again, and a way to make Valentine’s Day worth it this year!

I love scrapbooking.

I officially started scrapbooking last year.  I attempted to do a Project Life type year long scrapbooking project and failed miserably.  While creating my weekly scrapbook pages, I got the itch to try an actual traditional scrapbook layout.  I did one and fell in love!  I’ve decided to scrapbook layouts on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, not 12 x 12 like most scrapbookers use. 

It’s a great creative outlet and allows me to create an album of memories for M to hopefully enjoy as she gets older.

I hope she will learn to appreciate these fun layouts of pictures and memories.  I’m so glad I started scrapbooking.  I only wish I did it sooner!

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