Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘facebook

Usually I post crafty stuff on my craft blog “CutieQ Cards n Crafts.

This time, since it’s more about observations than actual crafting, I decided to put it here..

I heard there was a Craft Fair at the local Church my family and I attend.  They also have a Craft Mininstry, which I was super curious about since crafting is totally my thing..

I went to the craft fair with intentions of looking at the products, and maybe talking to someone in the ministry to see what is needed to participate in the ministry and in next years craft fair..

We got there fairly early.  It was busy!  I had no idea the craft fair at the Church would be so popular.

When I looked at the products, my heart sank.  If I sat there with my handmade cards and banners, I would have been overlooked completely!  It was jewelry, blankets, soaps, painted art turned into cards, holiday decorations..

Everything looked so much more professional than my handmade cards and banners..

Plus, there weren’t many handmade papergood vendors.. I only saw one table that had some handmade cards and gift card holders, and honestly, they didn’t look like they were getting much business..

I’m sure a lot of the vendors sold handmade crafts, but it just seemed like it was all way out of my league.

There was so much inventory, if I ever wanted to participate, I’d have to start making cards and stuff TWO years before the event!  Plus, there’s the issue of displaying my stuff, and packaging it just right..

I was feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it..

It is a goal to want to participate in something like this in the future.  I wish I could think of more things that I could make in order to make my stuff sell more and sell better.  I wish I wasn’t limiting myself to paper goods.. but with the time and space and budget I have, I really can’t venture into anything else at the moment.

I’m still thinking of ways to make this aspect of my life better.  I’d like it to become something that could make me a little spending money.  I don’t ever expect it to become a full source of income, but it would be nice to see it become something a little helpful.  With all my aspirations of becoming a stay at home mom, a little extra income while doing something I love, is the perfect little dream.

I’ll keep my mind turning for ideas… meanwhile, check out my crafting Facebook page “CutieQ Cards n Crafts” and click “Like.”  I’m so close to reaching 1000 likes!  That will make me totally excited.  Also, visit my blog linked at the beginning of this blog entry!

Thankful November:
I’m thankful for creativity that God has blessed me with.



I’ve been trying to find ways to save a dollar here, and a dollar there..

I still use to earn points for gift cards, preferably to Target.. if you want a referral to Mypoints.. shoot me a comment with an email address..

I also have a Target credit card that saves me 5% off of every purchase… did you know that includes Starbucks coffee and the food from the food court?!  I recently found that out.. and I think it’s awesome!

I recently discovered ibotta.  It’s a phone app that is almost like mobile coupons.  Every so often, offers pop up on certain products.  All you have to do is perform very simple tasks about the product.  It could be a simple one-question survey, or you have to watch a quick 15-second video, or you have to just read a fun fact.  Each task has a certain cent value.  Depending on the tasks, you can save up to a $1.00 off each product.

Then, you go to the store and buy the product.  They have a huge list qualifying stores, so you pretty much can’t go wrong..

It’s a little bit of work once you purchase the product, but I think it’s worth it.

Once the product is purchased, you use the app to take a picture of the receipt and scan the barcode found on the product itself.  It takes a few minutes for the transactions to approve and poof!  I get some money back!

You have to accumulate a minimum of $5 before you can have the money withdrawn into your personal Paypal account. 

Super simple!

If any of my Facebook friends read this, let me know and I’ll send you a referral link via Facebook.  If you refer a friend, you get $1 into your account.  Every friend helps! 

If anyone else has some great money-saving apps or methods, please share!  I love finding fun ways to save money!  Every little bit always helps.

I didn’t write any new blog posts this weekend, and I’m obviously very late about posting today.

It’s just been a very busy time for me, and the 7 days a week schedule has been difficult to maintain.  I’ve noticed that I’ve been filling some days with “filler” type entries, and I don’t know if I like that.

I want to fill this blog with good stories about my life and not filler..

So… to remedy this.. I’ve decided to treat this blog like my job. 

Monday thru Friday.

That means, I’ll have the weekends to spend the quality time with my family and get some great stories and blog entries from.  That also gives me time to create the memories I want to recreate and document on here.

I hope you understand why I’ve decided to change things up a little bit.  And I hope that you will enjoy the content so much more now that I’ll more down time to collect it.

Also, if I could do a quick plug in about my crafting blog, CutieQ Cards n Crafts.    I have a Facebook page of the same name dedicated to my crafting and would love more likes.  I’m doing a “like” challenge on the Facebook page and blog.  The official blog entry for this challenge is here

Basically, I want to get 150 likes on my Facebook page before the end of April.  If I received 150 likes, I would hold a giveaway of a set of handmade birthday cards. 

If you like crafts, handmade cards, and all that fun stuff, please visit my Facebook page “CutieQ Cards n Crafts,” and hit “like.”

Thanks so much for spending time on this blog.. I appreciate all of the readers and views I get on a daily basis.  I hope that I continue to entertain you with my stories and insights and my life!

We’re about 11 days away until Christmas and I’m happy to say that I’m pretty much almost done with Christmas shopping!

We’ve probably got about less that five more gifts that we need to buy and then we’re done!

I did take the easy route and bought a lot of gift cards.  Being the terrible gift giver that I am, I always find it easier to just supply them with a gift card so they can get the thing that they acutally want! 

The fun side of buying a bunch of gift cards is that I was able to make a whole bunch of handmade gift card holders.. hee hee.. (shameless plug to visit CutieQCardsnCrafts on Facebook.. don’t forget to LIKE it too.. )

Now the hard part is wrapping everything.. actually.. it’s more like finding the time to wrap everything..

I know I’ll get it done..

How far have you gotten on your Christmas shopping?!?!

Hubby finally gave in and opened a Facebook account.. it’s about time he joined the rest of civilization!!

Me:  How come you don’t like or comment on any of my posts or pictures?
Hubby: Because I live with you.
Me:  But it’s cute!
Hubby:  I leave you comments all the time, IN PERSON!  Oooh.. concept!
Me: …
Hubby:  …
Me:  Fine.. I won’t like or comment on your page either.. I’ll just tell you in person.. ‘You’re a dork!’
Hubby:  No Facebook drama.. it’s just electrons on a screen!

Electrons on a screen?!  Really?!

I’ve been on Etsy (CutieQ Cards n Crafts) for almost a month now.. and sadly.. I’ve made no sales..

I get a decent amount of views.. and some of my cards have been “favorited” by some browsers.. but sadly.. no sales..

Starting up a store isn’t easy.. especially since there are many, many people on there.. and they’ve already been established.. its hard to be the newcomer selling the same things that some of the “seasoned” Etsy’ers are selling..

I just gotta find my niche..

I gotta find a particular paper craft that can help me stand out.. or get buyers attention.. something..

I just need that one shot to sell something.. and maybe I’ll find my motivation..

It’s not that I’m giving up.. but sometimes it’s a little disappointing to post something.. and get the views.. but no sales.. but I’m not gonna stop.. I wanted to do this for awhile.. it’s going to take a lot for me to really quit..

I’ve got a Facebook page for the Etsy store.. I’m contemplating creating a separate blog for the Etsy store too.. that might not be for awhile.. but it is a thought..

I’ve got ideas.. and I will definitely be posting something on Etsy that is a little different.. and hopefully it will be my “in” with the Etsy store community..

At the same time, maybe all you can let me know what you would like to see.. if I can do it.. then it may be done!  Hee hee..

So.. I’d officially opened my Etsy store (CutieQ Cards n Crafts by ArtsyViray) for about a week now.. maybe less.. and I have three items posted up..

I’m getting views.. not only directly from the store.. but from Facebook and from this blog site.. pretty cool!  It’s encouraging to know that I’m getting hits.. and I understand a newly active store will take awhile to get some sales.. it’s a process.. I need to build a reputation..

It’s a double edge sword.. I need purchases to build my reputation.. but I need a good reputation to wrangle in purchases.. haha.. I guess I gotta start somewhere..

I’m gonna start trying to make things that are a little more “involved” and more “crafty.”  Those first few items were really simple and maybe that’s why people aren’t willing to purchase them.. since they can probably make something just like that themselves.  But it’s getting my name and my store out there..

I’m excited to see how much I can get out before the baby comes.. I already warned hubby that he may be the one making runs to the post office if I start selling stuff when the baby arrives.. he’s willing to do so.. gotta love that about him..

If you have the time, stop by my store.. if you know anyone in need of crafty creations.. send them to my store.. hopefully they will find something they like..

I’m so curious to see where this may take me.. I know it will never become a second income.. but I could always use the extra spending money!


It’s been said that news isn’t news until it’s posted on your Facebook wall..

I don’t know who said it.. but.. that’s why they call things “Facebook official” once it’s been mentioned on your wall.. it’s like.. the news doesn’t exist.. or it isn’t real until everyone on your Facebook page knows..

Well.. today I made some very special news “Facebook Official” today..

Today, I finally announced that hubby and I are expecting our first child in September 2011.  I posted the 8week ultrasound and everything..

Hubby and I have known since mid January but we kept it quiet because the first trimester of pregnancy is very sensitive.. and anything can happen.. and it did.. I was in the emergency room twice around weeks 6 and 7.. Thank God it wasn’t anything serious.. and throughout each ordeal.. the baby was snug and secure in my womb.. we didn’t want to jinx ourselves by announcing too soon and then having it all fall apart..

I honestly wanted to wait til we got into the second trimester.. when the chances of miscarriage were significantly low..

But I told for a variety of reasons..

  • I can’t keep my mouth shut.. good news like that is soooo hard to contain.. and I think that I was subconsiously dropping hints on my Facebook status updates that todays announcement really wasn’t that huge of a surprise to some people.. In face, my best friends and some family had a feeling I was pregnant before I even knew.. something about my status updates being quite suspicious.
  • My friends and family can’t keep their mouths shut.. my besties and cousins are so glad I’ve finally made it “Facebook Official” because they have been dying to talk about it freely.. they all breathed a collective sigh of relief upon seeing the news.. hee hee.. what can I say.. we all think alike..
  • I wanted to finally start blogging about it.. I’ve been wanting to document my pregnancy adventures for awhile now.. so that I had something to look back on.. or so that our child had something to read as he/she got older.. not that any child would really read their parent’s blog.. do they?
  • Lastly, I figured that the more people that know.. the more prayers and good thoughts would be sent our way.. prayer and positive thinking are very powerful.. especially when done in large groups.. I figure that only good could come out of it all..

So.. there it is.. my big news.. made “Facebook Official” and now “WordPress Official.”

Please pray for us.. this is a new adventure in our lives.. and we are all very excited..

Ok.. so it’s either I’m putting WAAAAY too much thought into this grocery shopping thing.. or I really have no idea what I’m doing..

Last night.. I was on the floor of our living room with flyers from Ralphs, Vons, Albersons, Sprouts, and Henry’s spread out around me.. and I was going nuts trying to figure out where to go and what had the best value and when and why.. Grrrr..

My good friends and family on Facebook gave me wonderful answers to my blog questions from “Grocery gameplan..”

This is all new to me.. and I know I’m not going to get it all right away.. but I’m the impatient type that’s used to getting things right away.. and getting things done right immediately.. I usually pride myself on being a fast learner.. but this thing is ridiculous.. it’s really taking a toll of my patience level..

So.. do you grocery store hop for the best deal?  Or do you stick to just one store?

I know that eventually I’ll get the hang of all this “wife stuff..”

I just hope I keep my sanity during the process..

Me:  Hurry, quick.. give me the computer..
Hubby:   Hold on..

(He’s watching videos on the phone app “Angry Birds.”)

Me:  Hurry!  I need the computer..
Hubby:  Hold on..

(Hands me the laptop.)

Me:  Good.. I have to harvest my crops on Farmville
Hubby:  THATS what you needed to do?!  You made it sound so urgent.
Me:  It IS!
Hubby:  Don’t tell me that you have email alerts on Farmville..
Me: …
Hubby:  You have email alerts for Farmville!
Me: …
Hubby:  Oh. My. Gosh.


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