Living life in the carpool lane..

Archive for March 2011

Hello Nausea.. we meet again.

I thought you were gone.. you are supposed to be gone.. I’m entering into my second trimester.. .why are you still here?

You came with another friend, Sleepiness.


What happened to second trimester energy?  It doesn’t look like that’s arriving anytime soon..

I was really excited when you left, and took Sleepiness with you.. I thought I had my life back again..

Hunger did try to replace you.. and I think you two are fighting for my attention.. but sadly, looks like you win again, Nausea..

I guess, in a way.. you’re a reminder of the little one growing in side of me.. you’re reminding me that my body is full of hormones and those hormones are good for keeping the baby in me.. but.. why must you make me feel so blah?!

Besides, I do have other reminders that I’m pregnant.. like.. that belly I’m growing.. that’s a reminder enough..

Well.. looks like it’s you and me again for awhile.. I hope you don’t stay too long..

Sitting in Red Robin having lunch..

Hubby: (Looking around the restaurant)  Look.. it’s like Diner Dash.. some people are being seated.. some people are ordering.. some people are eating.. and there are dirty tables..
Me:  Haha.. how observant.
Hubby:  Well.. Diner Dash is unrealistic.. in a real restaurant there are separate people to do separate jobs.. the hostest seats us.. the waitress takes our order.. someone else gives our food.. and some other guy cleans our table..
Me:  Nuh-uh.. not at the Thai restaurant we go to.. {insert name} always does everything by herself
Hubby:  I’m talking about big, busy restaurants..

Me:  You’re ruining my game.

On the couch, watching TV..

Me: Bite me.
Hubby: …
Me: Ow!
Hubby: Well, it was said…

Before going to bed..

Me:  Hun, clean the mirror.  It’s got all your little floss bits..
Hubby: I can’t.  They’re my friends.  They lived in my mouth with me.
Me: That’s gross
Hubby:  I’ll have separation anxiety..
Me: …


So.. with the end of my first trimester just days away.. I’ve noticed that my nausea is pretty much gone.. and I don’t go home and plop on the couch right away..

My energy level isn’t 100% what it used to be.. but I definitely see a change. 

With that said.. hubby is ready to start exercising with me again.. Ok.. not major cardio.. I’m not training for any marathons any time soon.. but I figure that I really should get back to getting active again.. even if it’s just walking on a treadmill for 15 – 30  minutes..

So.. after work.. we are going to add whatever needs to be added to the crockpot for dinner.. and then go to the little gym in our apartment and he can run and I will walk..

If I don’t make myself make the time to do this.. I will let the laziness take over and I will never get it done..

Now that it’s written on the blog.. I have to hold myself to it.. it’s all about the credibility.. Hee hee..

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

I heard the baby’s heartbeat today.. my eyes totally welled up..

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..

The sound just never escapes me.. I can still hear it when I close my eyes..

It’s really amazing.. I’ve SEEN the heartbeat on the ultrasound we had at 8 weeks.. but it’s really different to actually HEAR the heartbeat.. hearing it makes it feel so, so, so, so real.. a true miracle.. I love it!

I want to hear it again and again and again.. it’s our baby.. our little person.. growing inside me.. with a heart that will grow to love us as much as we already love him/her..

I’m in awe of what happened today.. it’s a memory that will forever engraved in my mind.. it’s a memory that I will tell our child for years and years..

It’s so hard to describe how I truly feel about it.. happier than happy.. relieved beyond anything.. totally grateful to God..

I’m a mother to this little person inside me.. with a heartbeat.. a heart that will burst with joy.. break with sadness.. beat with anticipation.. all in it’s lifetime.. and it all started with hubby and I.. two people creating one person..

We’ve got six more months to go, little baby.. keep that heart beating strong and keep growing healthily.. mommy and daddy are so excited to meet you.

So.. picture this.. hubby and I are at a wake for a good friend that experienced a death in the family.  We’re in the refreshments area.. and there is a pot of warm soup.. of course.. being constantly hungry.. I make hubby go get me a bowl..

Expecting a small bowl with moderate amount of soup.. he comes back with it filled to the brim..

I ate it.. ALL..

So.. we’re in the car and we have the following conversation.

Hubby:  Wow.. that soup was really good.
Me:  Oh my gosh.. did you want some?
Hubby:  I got a lot..
Me:  Ya.. and I thought we were gonna share but you made no signal to share.. so I ate it..
Hubby: …
Me:  Great, you make me look like an oinker in front of {insert name}.
Hubby:  Oh.. ya.. I made you look like the oinker..

Sometimes, hubby is right. 


Hubby is the best.. I truly think I have the best hubby.. EVER..

I’m so spoiled.

Yesterday I totally forgot to get gas on my way home from work.  I was going to tell the hubby to go with me after he got home so we can go get gas, but he came home too late and I was sooo tired that I forgot to tell him until this morning..

So what does hubby do?

The first thing he does when he gets up this morning is to get dressed and go out and fill up my car.. AND in the process.. buy me a breakfast souffle at Panera Bread!  All this while I’m getting ready for work..

I have to remember all the great things he does for me when I’m feeling grouchy about him.. because he truly is a great guy.. I’m lucky to be his wifey..

It’s “Taco Night” at Casa Q!

We found this awesome taco kit at the grocery store yesterday.  It’s already got the taco seasoning, 6 hard shells and 6 soft shells.  It was on sale 2 for $4 too!

All we have to do is provide the meat..

We got meat, cheese, sour cream, veggies.. the works..

Taco Tuesday at Casa Q! 

I’ll let you know how it turns out!

Otherwise titled “My preggie brain on the loose.”

The following happened about an hour or so ago.. all of it is true.. sadly..

Driving in the car, I look at the time because I wasn’t aware of what time we left.. the time on the car dashboard reads 8:03.
Hubby:  That’s supposed to be 9:03
Me:  No way.. really.. we left so late!!
Checks time on cell phone.. 8:03

Me:  No!  It’s 8!
Hubby: (lauging)  YOU changed the time on my car!!!

Going aisle by aisle
Hubby:  Do you want spaghetti sauce?
Me:  For what?
Hubby: …

I’m definitely losing it.. hahaha!

This past weekend, I mustered up my couraged.. and entered Destination Maternity and bought a few pairs of preggie pants…

10 weeks along and I can’t button my pants..

This kid is either gonna be really big.. or I’m eating way too much and gaining way too much weight..

Was it too soon?! 

Doesn’t matter cuz now I’m super comfy in my preggie pants..

Anyway.. the experience was waaaaay wierd.. I’m probably putting way too much emphasis on this kinda stuff.. but going into the maternity clothes store and buying something made it feel really, really real.. in a good way.

So.. I’m in preggie pants now.. it’s so wierd.

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March 2011