Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘wedding planning

Tomorrow.. I marry my best friend..

This truly is a day that I never thought I’d get to experience..

I had been a part of all my close girlfriends and family weddings.. I have seen their anxiety.. I have seen their joy.. I had seen the excitement.. I have shared in their tears.. I had always wanted that for myself.. but the years went by and I felt that I never came close..

Joe came into my life around the time that I began to accept that the married life was most likely not for me.. he had come into myself when I finally resigned to finding my “one true love.”

Meeting him showed me that there was still a chance for me to find my life long partner.. he showed me how to be taken care of.. as opposed to the one always being the care taker.. he showed me how to be loved.. and not just be the one to love..

He has become my best friend.. my number one confidant.. and my biggest supporter.. in turn..  I have become his, as well..

I’m so blessed that the Lord has brought us together.. to nurture each others lives.. to erase the hurts in our pasts.. to enrich our presents.. and to embrace our future..

I can’t wait to become his wife.. I can’t wait to share a lifetime with him.. God has truly blessed us..

At this point.. every little detail has been taken care of.. all we have to do is ship everything off to the hotel.. hand off the reception items to the hotel coordinator.. do our wedding rehearsal.. then sleep away the final night of “single-ness..”

I pray that everything will go smoothly.. I pray that our lives together will continue to be filled with joy and happiness.. I pray that all the hard work of these past 10 months will bring a beautiful celebration of the sacrament of marriage to fruition.. I pray that everyone has a great time.. I pray that all arrive safe to and from our wedding..

I pray I can make it through the ceremony without my fake lashes falling out from crying so much!!!

Wow.. two days..

This week is going insanely fast.. I feel like there is so much to do.. but I think I’m just starting to wrap things up.. today is my last full day to get everything done.. and get everything packed.. because tomorrow is full of mani/pedis, eyebrow threading.. and trying to be organized for Saturday..

Also, my aunt is flying in from Guam.. my matron-of honor is driving in from Arizona.. and Joe’s brother is flying in from a business trip in China.. so many things going on tomorrow that I have to keep the chaos contained to today..

Yesterday was so full of emotions.. I think it’s better to get them out now so I don’t explode with tears on Saturday.. which probably will happen anyway.. I figure that I need to mentally “detach” myself from the fact that it’s ME getting married.. in order for me not to be a bumbling ball of crybaby.. but who knows.. totally easier said that done.. I’m sure!

I picked up my dress.. my stomach was in knots.. I don’t know why.. sitting there for the last time in Alfred Angelos.. knowing that this was the last time before the wedding.. that was overwhelming… my mind kept racing through worst case scenarios.. like they lost my dress.. or they messed it up completely.. or they handed me the wrong one!

But.. I just checked right now.. for like the third time!  It’s the right dress..

Then.. last night we went to the Choir’s final rehearsal.. they way they arranged the songs they are going to sing.. the way the pianist plays so passionately.. they moved me to tears.. I am beyond grateful..

I mentioned it on Facebook shortly after the rehearsal.. it’s just so overwhelming to believe that the prep that everyone is going through is for ME.. I’ve been so used to preping and singing and working for other people’s weddings.. I used to dream of my own all the time.. but I never thought it would feel this way when it was finally my turn.. people were actually taking time from their busy days to practice singing at MY wedding.. who knew that I would ever be able to experience this..

We also got the photo montage from my photographer.. It’s cute.. but.. well.. after the wedding I’ll do a whole series on blog posts rating and reviewing each one of my vendors.. the good.. the bad.. and the awesome!

Today is a busy day.. I’ll be going to my besties house to finish up our wedding programs.. I gotta push on through with the thank you cards for the people involved in the wedding.. I’m almost done..

Then I need to get the packing list from my beloved “husband-in-two-days..” so I can start on the packing for the honeymoon..

Lots of things to do..

Tomorrow.. I’m going to find the time to write the blog entry I’ve been dying to write but have been too hesitant to write it too soon.. I didn’t want to jinx the engagement.. and I also felt that the day before the wedding would be the best time to write it..

We can do this..

Rachel:  OMG, hun!  We’re getting married in THREE DAYS!!!
Joe:  I know! I’m gonna faint!


He’s gonna faint!?

Joe’s so funny.. he’s sooo opposite of me when it comes to being the center of attention.

Not that I always want to be the center of attention… but I’m the kind of person that doesn’t really mind being in the spotlight.. it’s the “theater” in me..

It’s my first day off.. my first “vacation” since.. sheesh.. I don’t know when.. the only time that I was home like this was when I had quit my previous job and was looking for a new one.. I can hardly say that was a vacation because I was so stressed out about finding work.. that I didn’t really enjoy the time off..

Now.. I’ve got a vacation.. but I’m working just as hard..

I’m in the process of typing up the ceremony for the Church so that it’s ready for the Church coordinator, the priest, and those that are involved in the wedding ceremony.

I’ve also been doing load after load after load of laundry.. gotta get ready for Hawaii.. but I don’t know what to pack.. Lotsa clothes.. and shoes.. that’s all I can think of.. sheesh!  Why is it so hard?!

I’ve got to pick up dress (FINALLY!) today.. I’ll be running around like a mad man later on this afternoon.. this morning is set aside completely for typing up the Mass and for laundry..

So I guess I better get off of here.. If I have extra time.. I can make a few more cards for those involved in the wedding.. I got the Ninang/Ninongs and Bridemaids done.. working on the Groomsmens.. then the cord/candle/veil sponsors.. then I think I’m done with that..

So much to think of.. gotta tackle things one at a time..

Anillos de Matrimonio, Aros de Matrimonio

Image via Wikipedia

Today is my last day of work.. then I’m off for the rest of the week.. and the entire next week..

I’ve been keeping busy all day at work.. trying to make the week go faster.. and slower… at the same time..

Going to work is fine.. it’s keeping me sane for the beginning of this week before I fully submerge myself into 100% wedding stuff.. so I’ve been good keeping busy with work related stuff..

But tomorrow is going to be HECTIC!!  I’ve gotta spend the morning doing laundry because I have to pack for the honeymoon.. finalizing a wedding.. AND packing for the honeymoon.. gonna put my multitasking skills to the test..

I’ve never considered myself a person that works well under pressure.. I’ve always made sure that I get things done far ahead of time to ensure that I don’t have a lot of pressure on me to finish.. but this is different.. there were a lot of things that HAD to wait til last minute.. so I’m definitely feeling the pressure..

Just four more days.. then the madness of a wedding will be over.. and the madness of a marriage begins..

That’s exicting!

Five days.. five days.. FIVE DAYS!!!

The excitement is definitely in the air.. not only for me… but for everyone.. and I mean everyone!

I’m so in love with everyone being so happy and excited for Joe and I.. it adds to the momentum completely.. didn’t I mention this yesterday?!

Anyway.. we’re starting to create piles of stuff to bring with us to the hotel.. the things we need for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.. and the things we’ll need for the wedding.. and the things we need to give to the coordinator at the reception..

Piles and piles.. bags and bags..

It’s insane.. I’m doing a lot of the nitty gritty crafty hands-on stuff.. so I delegated Joe to do all  of the phone calls.. it’s a good thing I kept him in the loop for a lot of things.. so he understands what he’s actually making phone calls about..

He’s been awesomely supportive during these hectic last few days.. I couldn’t ask for anything more.. I’m truly blessed to have such a helpful guy..

He’s also revealed his hidden talent for being awesomely crafty.. which has worked to my advantage these past few days..

One more day of work.. then I’ll be off to finish off the wedding madness..

I cannot believe that 10 months of wedding planning is going to be over this weekend..

Everyone tells me to cherish every moment.. I most definitely will!!!

A week from today.. at this very moment.. I’ll be on a plane to Hawaii!!  Honeymoon!

It’s crunch time.. I have two days of work this week.. then I’m off for a week and a half..

The feeling of getting married still hasn’t hit me as I’m expecting it to.. there are too many things to get done..

I can’t believe there are six days left.. I’m working on the place cards.. it’s not too bad.. Joe’s wrapping up the gifts to give to the people involved in the wedding.. I have to go back and make cards for all of them.. I don’t anticipate the place cards to take more than a day to finish.. I just gotta keep focused..

The last huge task is to get those programs done.. I hope my bestie and I can find sometime to get together and get those done..

Six days til the wedding.. seven days til I’m living it up on the beaches of Hawaii with my husband.. eek.. I’m gonna have a husband!

Seven days = 1 week!

Actually.. at this time next week.. we should be dancing the night away at our wedding reception..

Joe and I spent the whole day paying off balances and finalizing details with various vendors..

Bye, bye money… so sad to see it go..

We got to spend some quality time with some family today too.. I love everyone’s excitement level.. it really adds to the momentum.. its so comforting knowing how much support he and I truly have.. it’s so reassuring..

One week.. one week.. one week..

Then.. ALOHA!

Tomorrow will be one week.

Eight days..

That’s all I have left to get everything done. 

Bridesmaids and all involved are getting bombarded with emails, phone calls, and text messages.. information is flying out of my hands so fast.. it’s hard to remember if I told the right people the right bits of info..

The stress level is definitely up.. and no matter how much I try to relax.. it’s impossible..

My mind races at a billion miles a minute.. thoughts are darting all over the place..

All of you marrieds have been there..

I’m excited..

Knowing that I have been blessed with someone I will be spending the rest of my life with.. someone that I will start a family with.. it’s such a big concept to me to wrap my head around.. marriage. 

I’m truly blessed.. he’s been super extra cooperative this week and I couldn’t be happier..

Eight days, ppl… eight days.

The paranoia begins..

A few days ago, I text Joe “Hun, you better show up to the wedding.”

I’m getting the sudden irrational fears that he won’t show up.

I know he loves me.. he wouldn’t have asked to marry him otherwise.. but sometimes I freak out that my “bridezilla” behavior may have turned him off to the prospect of spending the rest of his life with me..

But then again.. I really haven’t been THAT bad lately.. or have I?

Anyway.. he keeps telling me that I have nothing to worry about.. and that he will definitely show up..

Well.. with the amount of money that we are spending.. he better show up!

Ten days!

Can you believe I have ten days left as a single lady?!  In ten days.. I’m going to be someone’s wife!!

Was this a huge impact on your life as I feel it is for me?

It just seems like a HUGE step in my life.. to finally feel like the “grown-up” I’ve been trying to be for years..

I mean.. the relationship doesn’t really change much.. does it.. the title does.. but the way you deal with each other shouldn’t really.. does it?

I guess it feels a lot different for me because he and I have been long-distance since we first met.. so knowing that we’ll actually be in the same city.. and the same living quarters.. that to me is exciting.

Ten days seems so fast.. and it is zipping by at lightning speed..

There’s still so much to do!

I gotta just take it one task at a time and trust that it will all get done..

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