Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘post-pregnancy weight loss

Read about my ABC blog series here.

Look back – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L , M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V

I’m finding it hard to shake this weight…

Yes, I know, I know… I only had the baby eight weeks ago..

I really don’t know what it is with me, but after this pregnancy, I’ve been really wanting to get rid of this weight… I think it’s because I gained waaaaaaay more weight than I expected to due to the bedrest I was on for a majority of my pregnancy.

I’m still at about 170lbs and I’m a loose size 14 jean.  I say “loose” because the size 14 jean is pretty loose on me, but I know that the size down is still too tight for me.

My Fitbit is on me constantly, and it has motivated to move more.  However, I had to lower my daily steps goal from 10K to 5.5K.  I’m finding it nearly impossible to make 10K steps a day, especially with my life right now.  Honestly, I’m finding it difficult to even make 5.5K right now!  I push myself, but most days, I just don’t make it.   I just refuse to lower my steps goal anymore.  In fact, my goal this week is to hit my steps goal every day, Monday thru Friday.

Pending the weather and how K is doing, I try to take the girls out around the neighborhood in our double stroller.  The path I take is about a mile, and really puts a dent into my steps goal.  I wish we could go out and do that more often, but sometimes the newborn is just not in the mood, and I can’t force it.  I try to substitute it by walking aimlessly around the house, but I don’t seem to be getting as many steps in.

We’ve plugged in the Xbox 360 Kinect back in and I’ve tried to do a workout session with our Dance Central game.  It’s definitely a workout, and I really need to try to make time to incorporate that more into my week…

I know this weight is going to go down.  I just wish that it would go down faster than it really is…

I’m just so impatient.  Summer is coming soon (because this is Southern California and we have no real seasons…) and I want to look somewhat decent for the many trips to the beach I promised M we would go on..

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Read about my ABC blog series here.

Look back – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

I need new jeans.  I’m still wearing my maternity jeans around, but because they have been through two pregnancies, everything has been stretched out and the no longer really fit.

When I was pregnant with M, I think I wore these maternity jeans until about the time I went back to work.

I tried to go to Target to buy some jeans about two or three weeks after I gave birth to K.  I had NO idea what size I was.

It’s not a great feeling trying to figure out what size I was.  I didn’t want to grab a size that was too small because that would just make me feel terrible.  So, I went with what I though was too big.

Size 14.

I went into the dressing room afraid that it still might be too small.

Surprisingly, it fit.  Perfectly.

Secretly, I was hoping they would be too big.

Nope.  They fit.

At my smallest, I was a size 2.  My usual pre-prego jean size is normally around size 7 to size 9, depending on brand.

So, for now, I’m a size 14.  What seemed encouraging to me was that I was a comfortable size 14.  It wasn’t a size 14 that I had to squeeze myself into.  I was a size 14 with a little bit of room but still too big to be a smaller size.

I didn’t buy the jeans.  I probably should, but I didn’t.  I don’t know why.  I just didn’t.

Maybe I’ll buy some next month…

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Click here to read about my post-pregnancy weight.

I weighed myself on January 10th, and I weighed 174.0lbs.  I lost two pounds from the first time I weighed myself on January 6th (176.6lbs).

I didn’t really do anything intentional to lose that weight.  I’ve been drinking a lot of water, cut down my sweets intake, and continued to pump and breastfeed.

I plan on getting a Fitbit.  I’m looking into this one.

I plan on using it to increase the amount of steps I will take on a daily basis.  I know that this will help me get more active and mobile to make up for the months I had on bedrest and limited mobility.  Eventually, I plan on hooking up the Xbox and the Kinect to play some dance video games to give me more opportunities for movement and calorie burning.

I plan on making better dietary choices.  Hubby and I have actually started drinking green smoothies, drinks based of either kale or spinach.  I know that I can’t cut down my food intake drastically since I am still nursing, but I do intend on making better choices of what I do put into my body.  Sadly, that means less brownies.  That also means less Pinterest dessert experimentation..

I’m hoping that it won’t take me two and a half years to lose all the baby weight like it did when I had M.  Better food choices and finding ways to be active will definitely help me get back to where I was before I got pregnant with K.  I’m hoping that these changes will happen soon.

I have so many clothes in my closet that I want to wear again.  I’d hate to see them go to waste!

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I weighed myself on January 6th.

176.6 lbs.

I don’t know how much I weighed right before I gave birth.

At my last check up, I was about 185lbs.  That was almost two weeks before I gave birth.

That was much heavier than I was when I was pregnant with Malia.

But there are several factors that caused this weight gain.

For starters, I was on and off of bedrest from the first trimester.. so my dream of an active lifestyle while pregnant was did not happen.

Then, I was hungry.  I was hungry all the time.  Even though I wasn’t craving fast food and junk food, I was craving food.  Korean tofu soup.  Chicken noodle soup.  Burritos.  Bahn mi sandwiches.

Ok, and then there were the brownies… M loves brownies and brownie mix has been on sale due to the holiday season.  So, yes, there were brownies.  There were a  lot of brownies.


I have a plan…

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Today is a rest day.. thank God!


Today is Day 12. 

Yes.. that means that I’ve been doing 100+ squats already.  They are KILLER!

But I have noticed that the first 20-30 have been getting so much easier.. thank  God for that!

I’ve been so good that when we went to my brother’s place in Los Angeles this weekend, I was doing 105 squats in his apartment! 

I think the reason I’m pretty determined to do this is because I am noticing results.

Not only is it getting easier, I’m not waking up the next day sore anymore.  My body has gotten used to it and so it does make it easier to pick up the next day.

Also, I’ve been making better choices on what foods to eat and how much I intake, so I am starting to see a difference.

I’ve already lost the 4 lbs that I gained from being non-active for several months. 

One day at a time…

  • Squats.. (

So, I have a confession to make.

Remember back in February when I said that I was going to run a mile every two days for this year?


That lasted a month!

What happened was that I got pretty under the weather and stopped.. and it’s been soooo hard to get back on track.

I know.. excuses, excuses..

So.. I thought it was ok… I really wanted to concentrate on my scrapbooking and cardmaking that I felt like I really had NO time to incorporate the run..

Plus.. I’ve never really like running.. so it was easy for me to just tell myself to skip it..

I told myself that as long as I kept my weight the same (143lbs) that I can work on my diet and slowly get the weight down that way..

I ended up gaining 4 lbs.. now at my heaviest lately, I’ve been 147lbs. 


I need to do something.. and take it seriously this time..

But, because of all this “fitness goals of the year” thing, I learned a bit about myself.

I learned that I DON”T like exercise.  I don’t like running.  I don’t like anything that really makes me burn and sweat.  Sorry, but it’s the truth.  I. Don’t. Like. Exercise.

I liked pilates, but with the limited amount of space per class, it was hard to schedule myself in because I would schedule far in advance, then something would happen and I’d have to cancel last minute and lose the class…

I LOVE yoga.. but only with a class and those places are pretty pricey.. AND the class times don’t fit my desired schedule..

I’m not a runner.. I’m not a weights lifting type person.. I’m just not into it.. no matter how much I try to convince myself that I need to do this.. I dislike it that much to really push myself to do it..

God’s honest truth.

I also learned that I can’t look at things as a “year-long” goal.  Huge goals like this overwhelm me.. not only in exercise, but in pretty much everything I do.  Goals are “too big” for me.. especially if I set them as “all year” type things.. I can’t look at things in the “big picture.”  It overwhelms me and I just give up.

That’s just me.

So… I juggle my fitness and exercise the same way I juggle my craft projects.  I will break them down into small do-able tasks.. one day at a time..

The mentality of “today I will do….” makes things much easier for me to accomplish.. and I don’t feel so overwhelmed..

I decided to start on my diet.  Once I got the food intake back on track, the exercise would slowly make it’s way back in.

I start small. 

Last Friday’s goal was “Today, I will have a salad for lunch,” and I did.

Today, I will NOT get a fancy Starbucks coffee.  I will drink from home with my sugar-free hazelnut creamer. 

My “fitness challenge” wasn’t in vain.. although I failed physically, I learned a lot about myself and I can now adjust my life to fit my mentality more.  I think that this will fair a lot better than what I tried to do for myself in February.

Ok.. so it’s February..

So this is the month I begin my fitness challenge for the year.. run a mile at least twice a week.

I’ll start next week.

I know,  I know..

It’s the beginning of the challenge and I’m already making excuses and procrastinating..

But really, I’m not.

I had intended to do the runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays.. today is a Friday.

So I have a perfectly legitimate reason why I can’t start today..

So there. 

I’ll keep you posted.

It’s been awhile since I posted about my post-prego weight saga..

Well.. as it is, I’m currently about 143 lbs. 

Not great.. but not terrible.

This was pretty much what I weighted coming out of college…

I had stopped doing my Pilates work outs for about a month or so.  Life just kind of consumed me and I was unable to make some time for me to go.

But I started up again and I’m hoping to shed a couple more pounds before the end of the year.  I’ve got holiday parties to go to and it would be nice to be able to break away from the 140s and enter into the 130s again.

It’d be ideal to go back to 125lbs, but at this point, I’d just be happy to hit 130lbs again.  I still have some cute pre-prego clothes that I’d love to squeeze my arms into again..

I’m not quite on the track that I had totally intended for at the end of the year.. but I know I’ve made a lot of strides nonetheless..

When I gave birth, my weight was about 163lbs.  I started blogging about it at 157lbs.. now I’m 143lbs. 

I wish I had more discipline to make the weight go faster, but I’m happy with the progress I’ve been making. 

I just hope to be at my target weight and enjoy it for awhile before we start thinking of baby number two!

So today is the day.

Today, I’m wearing a pair of my pre-prego jeans.


They are a little snug.  And they are from when I was more curvy after graduating college.. but smaller than what I was after having little M..

But they still fit!


It only took me almost a year.. but I’m in them.

And I do have about 20ish pounds to go..

I finally broke away from the 150 pounds.  On a good day I can weigh about 148lbs.  That’s pretty much how I was when I graduated college and gained all this weight from pop tarts and giant cookies.

Mmm.. pop tarts and giant cookies..

That sounds so good right now..

I finished my first week of Pilates.  I took 2 Level 1 classes.  Tuesday and Thursday.

I have to say that I really do love it.

My personal trainer kicked my bootie just as much as pilates does, but I seem to like pilates much better.

This kind of work out just seems “prettier” to me.  I can’t explain it. 

Pilates just seems more feminine than running a treadmill and pulling on cords..

But in our pilates class we work with springs.. and a apparatus called a Reformer.. just feels more girly too me.. I don’t know.. don’t ask me to explain..

I found new muscles that have never seemed to be used before.. like in arms and inner thighs.. I thought my trainer had woken up every muscle.. but looks like some of them missed that wake up call. 

I leave that class feeling like jelly, but in a total good way.

I’m re-energized, motivated, and excited for next week’s set of classes.   I can’t wait to try some Level 2 classes.  Maybe after another class or two..

It’s great to find a form of excerise you actually enjoy.  Then it doesn’t feel like a chore.  I felt that way about yoga a few years ago.  I found myself at that yoga studio 3-4 times a week because I liked it so much.

Now, with a child, I’ll have to limit that to maybe 2-3 times a week depending on my schedule. 

I’m so glad Groupon offered this class.  I would have never known that there was a Pilates studio so close to home. 

I can’t wait to start seeing the results too!

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