Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘fitness goals

Ideally, I should have been finished with the squat challenge.  I would have finished 250 squats..

But.. I got bored.  So very bored.  Bored.  Bored.  Board

So, I stopped.  I stopped at about 160-170. 

I know.. I was soooo close.

I know.. I should be more motiviated..

I heard all the pep talks.  I heard all the “I can’t believe your gonna quit” from the Hubby.

I even heard, “I thought we were going to do this together!”  Yes.  I feel bad.

But I was bored.

And that’s my problem with working out.  I get bored.  I get board of the same work out all the time..

So.. I’m looking for another thing to do..

Yesterday, I felt the need to jog.. so I called up Hubby to set up the jogging stroller so we could take a jog around the apartment complex with M.  BUT.. I had no idea that jogging stroller tires needed air and all the tires were flat! 

I ended up taking M to the playground.

I did get an arm workout by pushing the teeter totter up and down while M sat on the other end…

I know.. I gotta focus and I gotta be motivated.  I’m only hurting myself.. yadda yadda yadda..

I need to find a workout I like.. that’s preferably free… because I like yoga but I don’t want to pay for all those classes and I obviously don’t have the discipline to do it on myown..

Another fitness challenge FAIL…

So, I have a confession to make.

Remember back in February when I said that I was going to run a mile every two days for this year?


That lasted a month!

What happened was that I got pretty under the weather and stopped.. and it’s been soooo hard to get back on track.

I know.. excuses, excuses..

So.. I thought it was ok… I really wanted to concentrate on my scrapbooking and cardmaking that I felt like I really had NO time to incorporate the run..

Plus.. I’ve never really like running.. so it was easy for me to just tell myself to skip it..

I told myself that as long as I kept my weight the same (143lbs) that I can work on my diet and slowly get the weight down that way..

I ended up gaining 4 lbs.. now at my heaviest lately, I’ve been 147lbs. 


I need to do something.. and take it seriously this time..

But, because of all this “fitness goals of the year” thing, I learned a bit about myself.

I learned that I DON”T like exercise.  I don’t like running.  I don’t like anything that really makes me burn and sweat.  Sorry, but it’s the truth.  I. Don’t. Like. Exercise.

I liked pilates, but with the limited amount of space per class, it was hard to schedule myself in because I would schedule far in advance, then something would happen and I’d have to cancel last minute and lose the class…

I LOVE yoga.. but only with a class and those places are pretty pricey.. AND the class times don’t fit my desired schedule..

I’m not a runner.. I’m not a weights lifting type person.. I’m just not into it.. no matter how much I try to convince myself that I need to do this.. I dislike it that much to really push myself to do it..

God’s honest truth.

I also learned that I can’t look at things as a “year-long” goal.  Huge goals like this overwhelm me.. not only in exercise, but in pretty much everything I do.  Goals are “too big” for me.. especially if I set them as “all year” type things.. I can’t look at things in the “big picture.”  It overwhelms me and I just give up.

That’s just me.

So… I juggle my fitness and exercise the same way I juggle my craft projects.  I will break them down into small do-able tasks.. one day at a time..

The mentality of “today I will do….” makes things much easier for me to accomplish.. and I don’t feel so overwhelmed..

I decided to start on my diet.  Once I got the food intake back on track, the exercise would slowly make it’s way back in.

I start small. 

Last Friday’s goal was “Today, I will have a salad for lunch,” and I did.

Today, I will NOT get a fancy Starbucks coffee.  I will drink from home with my sugar-free hazelnut creamer. 

My “fitness challenge” wasn’t in vain.. although I failed physically, I learned a lot about myself and I can now adjust my life to fit my mentality more.  I think that this will fair a lot better than what I tried to do for myself in February.

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