Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘jogging

Ideally, I should have been finished with the squat challenge.  I would have finished 250 squats..

But.. I got bored.  So very bored.  Bored.  Bored.  Board

So, I stopped.  I stopped at about 160-170. 

I know.. I was soooo close.

I know.. I should be more motiviated..

I heard all the pep talks.  I heard all the “I can’t believe your gonna quit” from the Hubby.

I even heard, “I thought we were going to do this together!”  Yes.  I feel bad.

But I was bored.

And that’s my problem with working out.  I get bored.  I get board of the same work out all the time..

So.. I’m looking for another thing to do..

Yesterday, I felt the need to jog.. so I called up Hubby to set up the jogging stroller so we could take a jog around the apartment complex with M.  BUT.. I had no idea that jogging stroller tires needed air and all the tires were flat! 

I ended up taking M to the playground.

I did get an arm workout by pushing the teeter totter up and down while M sat on the other end…

I know.. I gotta focus and I gotta be motivated.  I’m only hurting myself.. yadda yadda yadda..

I need to find a workout I like.. that’s preferably free… because I like yoga but I don’t want to pay for all those classes and I obviously don’t have the discipline to do it on myown..

Another fitness challenge FAIL…

Ok.. so I had started this whole “weight loss accountability” stuff after I had Little M and then never returned to it.. so much for “accountability.”

I had wanted to be able to wear my pre-prego jeans before I returned to work.. that didn’t happen..

I wanted my weight to be below 130 lbs before I returned to work.. that didn’t happen..

But it’s happening now. 

Ok.. so I had to buy a couple pairs of jeans before I went to work.  I thought I’d be a ridiculously insane size.. but I was really only a 12 at American Eagle.. and a 10 at Target.. not my best sizes.. but I DID just have a baby, right?

The great thing is.. I already am too small for my size 12 American Eagle jeans.. go me!

My weight has been toggling between 156-159.. depending on the day and how much I ate the night before.. that’s better than being stuck at 160.. but I’d still like to see it go down and STAY down..

I wanted to join the local Bar Method where I live.. but.. I’d rather NOT spend money.. AND we have a little gym in our apartment complex.. I should just make full use of that!

So… I started running again.  I started last weekend.. and ran once this week.  I plan on running again today..

I figure I’ll start slow.  I takes me about 20 minutes to jog/walk a mile.. so lets just do a small 20 minute run.. my goal is to see how far I go in 20 minutes.. then when I can do about two miles (maybe) in 20 minutes.. I’ll start working on lengthening the times of my run..

After the run, I play around on some of the exercise equiptment to work on my arms and tummy..

There’s no actual logic to my system.. but it just works for me to stay motiviated..

The hardest part is really getting started.. right?

So.. I weighed in today at 157.4.. ugh. 

My goal is to look decent before the big family trip in June…

Remind me to keep you all posted.

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