Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘Catholicism

You know you’re a Catholic mom when you have to constantly stop your toddler from “blessing” themselves with any and every type of liquid they can get their hands on.

For example.. M has “blessed” herself with the following…

-The cat’s drinking water
-Water she’s shaken out of her sippy cup and onto a table or her highchair tray
-The pee that splashes out of her Elmo potty chair.. yes.  This is true.

I love that she knows how to do the Sign of the Cross.  It’s the cutest thing to hear her little voice say “Amen” with the rest of the congregation during the opening blessings at Mass. 

But please.. pee?

Toddlers have so much to learn.  I cherish her innocence and curiosity.. but sometimes.. it’s just kinda gross.

Going to Mass on Sunday with a toddler is always an adventure…

There are weeks where she is absolutely great and we don’t have to stay in the little room made for noisy toddlers. 

Then.. there’s last Sunday.

We are Catholic.  That means that when we go to Mass, there isn’t an area where we can drop off our youngsters for nursery.  Most Churches have a “cry room” which is a small room where families with small children can go so that their noisy toddlers and infants won’t disrupt the main congregation.

For awhile, we had been going straight into the cry room.  But I realized that M acts up a little more when we are in the cry room because she follows the other loud kids. 

So we had been going into the main congregation and she had been relatively better.  It also helped that we had a small magnet doodle board that she would use to write on. 

M had recently learned how to do the Sign of The Cross (proud Catholic mommy moment!) and say “Amen” (another proud Catholic mommy moment!).  She loves to enter the Church, touch the Holy Water, and bless herself.  She says, “Bess.”

This past Sunday, she was all about the “bess.”

We tried to distract her with her doodle board, but it didn’t work.  All she wanted to do was “bess” herself with the Holy Water and she was going to fuss and fight.

So, I took her to the vestibule.

She began to run around, and I was NOT having that.  I took her outside of the main congregation, not for her pleasure, so she was NOT going to run around. 

Well, she wasn’t very happy with me. 

It was a battle of all battles.. mommy versus toddler.. who was going to win!?!

Well, I’d like to think I did.  I picked her up, she fought and cried.  So I took her outside.  She again, wanted to run around, but I didn’t let her. 

I told her that my taking her out of the Church was not a license to play.  If she understood, who knows.. but I don’t want her to think that what we were doing was a good thing.

I was losing patience with her misbehavior, but I had to keep my cool.  If I were to get angry, it would have made her so much more upset, and I didn’t want to cause a scene.  I remained stern without losing my cool and she eventually got quiet enough that we could return to the main congregation.

Sadly, I missed a good portion of the Mass having to deal with M. 

She’s a toddler.  Every week is going to be a different week.  Some weeks are definitely going to be easier than others.

My consolation is that she loves to do the Sign of the Cross, say “Amen” and often reminds us to “pay,” which means “pray” in M-terms.

How do you deal with toddlers and Church?

After the birth of Little M.. the next big thing that needs to be planned is her baptism.

Being Catholic, I believe in infant baptism.  It is her first sacrament and sets the foundation, as I plan on raising my daughter under the Catholic faith.  It’s important to me that she get her baptism done as soon as possible and so we were able to tentatively schedule her baptism for December 3rd.  Coincidentally, on her 3 month birthday.  I totally just realized that!

So now, the planning begins.  The godparents, hubby, and I have to take baptismal prep classes and turn in all the required paperwork that the diocese requires of us.  That’s the easiest part of it all.

I need to buy Little M her little white dress.. that’s probably pretty easy too..

The hardest part is planning the reception.  Do we go with a restaurant, or do we rent out a hall and get it catered?   How many people are we to invite?  How big/small do we want this event to be?

Most importantly, do I have time to make the invitations myself?  Honestly, I would LOVE to do it.. but it’s so hard with a newborn and my constant need to sleep.  She sleeps so well during the day that I tend to catch up with most of my sleep during the day.. and I just can’t function at night.

Planning parties is definitely NOT my thing.  I’d much rather create the papercrafts and goods for such parties..

I need to start getting used to minimal sleep so I can be functional again!

I’m Catholic.. I don’t know I would say I’m “devout..” I definitely have my flaws.. and my faith journey is miles and miles and miles long..

But I do know that I love my God.. and I love the Faith and religion that has brought me closer to my God..

The pregnancy has gotten me thinking a lot about my Catholic faith.. my faith journey.. and the future.. every bit of my maternal instinct wants to see this child grow into the faith that I have learned to love over the years..

Having a child is a great responsibility.. because now.. I’m not journeying through my faith alone.. I’m journeying with child.  This child is going to follow my examples.. and I’m going to be setting her foundation from day one!  That’s a huge and overwhelming thought to process.

I’m sure every mother has gone through the thought process of what a huge responsibility motherhood really is.  It’s not only physically creating this human being.. but being the example in which they learn how to live their life.. from Day One..

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