Living life in the carpool lane..

Posts Tagged ‘one year anniversary

Facebook showed me that on April 6, 2015, I officially became a SAHM.

It was the day that my maternity leave finally ended and I had made the decision to not go back to work.

In actuality, I had been a SAHM since July of 2014, when my pregnancy to K had complications that caused me to remain on disability until the day she was born.  I was a SAHM with some limitations due to my modified bedrest restrictions.

But in April, that’s when it felt “official.”

Since then, life has been a blur of preschool volunteer days, target trips, and bustling around town to all sorts of classes and activities.  On top of trying to keep the kids fed and the schedules straight, I’ve also found time to resurrect this blog and to keep an active Etsy shop going.

How do I do it?

Well, I just don’t sleep.

I’m typing this in our bedroom, on our bed, while the family is snoring peacefully in the background.


I knew going into this that becoming a SAHM was not going to be easy.  Becoming a SAHM has definitely been the hardest job I’ve ever tackled.  It’s non-stop, it’s never ending, it’s exhausting.

It’s never been more fulfilling.

Becoming a SAHM is definitely my dream come true.  It’s the job I always wanted.

One year later, I still love it.

One year ago today.. Hubby and I got married.

Two months later.. we moved into our own place.. and not much time after that.. we got pregnant.

Thirty-six weeks later.. we had our first child together..

I’d say that this has been the greatest year so far..

It seems like only yesterday that Hubby and I became engaged and started the 10mo long process of planning a wedding.. It seems like only yesterday that I was walking down the aisle towards him.. crying my eyes out.

Hubby:  You looked so beautiful walking down the aisle.  You know what would have made you look better.. if you weren’t BAWLING!!!!

He has a point.. but I couldn’t help it!

To look back on this first year of marriage, I have to say that it’s been fun.  It’s been one adventure after another and I’m glad I have this blog to document some of those moments.. I can’t imagine experiencing any of these moments with anyone else..

Happy anniversary, hubby!  I pray we have many more of these to come.. I can’t wait for what else future has in store for us.

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