Living life in the carpool lane..

Archive for November 11th, 2013

Usually I post crafty stuff on my craft blog “CutieQ Cards n Crafts.

This time, since it’s more about observations than actual crafting, I decided to put it here..

I heard there was a Craft Fair at the local Church my family and I attend.  They also have a Craft Mininstry, which I was super curious about since crafting is totally my thing..

I went to the craft fair with intentions of looking at the products, and maybe talking to someone in the ministry to see what is needed to participate in the ministry and in next years craft fair..

We got there fairly early.  It was busy!  I had no idea the craft fair at the Church would be so popular.

When I looked at the products, my heart sank.  If I sat there with my handmade cards and banners, I would have been overlooked completely!  It was jewelry, blankets, soaps, painted art turned into cards, holiday decorations..

Everything looked so much more professional than my handmade cards and banners..

Plus, there weren’t many handmade papergood vendors.. I only saw one table that had some handmade cards and gift card holders, and honestly, they didn’t look like they were getting much business..

I’m sure a lot of the vendors sold handmade crafts, but it just seemed like it was all way out of my league.

There was so much inventory, if I ever wanted to participate, I’d have to start making cards and stuff TWO years before the event!  Plus, there’s the issue of displaying my stuff, and packaging it just right..

I was feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it..

It is a goal to want to participate in something like this in the future.  I wish I could think of more things that I could make in order to make my stuff sell more and sell better.  I wish I wasn’t limiting myself to paper goods.. but with the time and space and budget I have, I really can’t venture into anything else at the moment.

I’m still thinking of ways to make this aspect of my life better.  I’d like it to become something that could make me a little spending money.  I don’t ever expect it to become a full source of income, but it would be nice to see it become something a little helpful.  With all my aspirations of becoming a stay at home mom, a little extra income while doing something I love, is the perfect little dream.

I’ll keep my mind turning for ideas… meanwhile, check out my crafting Facebook page “CutieQ Cards n Crafts” and click “Like.”  I’m so close to reaching 1000 likes!  That will make me totally excited.  Also, visit my blog linked at the beginning of this blog entry!

Thankful November:
I’m thankful for creativity that God has blessed me with.



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