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Posts Tagged ‘baking cocoa

M has been pretty obsessed with hot cocoa lately.  She saw it on one of the TV shows she likes to watch and has been asking for it for awhile.

Last year, we tried to buy her a hot chocolate from Starbucks to try, but she just wasn’t into it.  So this year, I was a little hesitant to let her try it.  However, it’s been a year.  A lot can (and has) change in a year.

Hubby came home one weekend morning from running errands and treated M and I to some Starbucks in bed.  I got a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate and M had a kids hot chocolate.

She LOVED it.

Those kid’s hot chocolates are so small and the temperature was just barely warm enough that she ended up guzzling the whole thing within minutes!

I knew she was hooked.

I’m all about making things at home now without having to rely too much on mixes or overly processed items, mainly because of her peanut allergy.  It was relieving to see that the can of baking cocoa that I had in my pantry had a hot cocoa recipe.


Hot Cocoa

1 tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of baking cocoa

A tiny splash of milk to mix it into a paste.

1 cup of warmed milk to mix into the paste.

Super simple, right?

Everyone’s microwave is different, but I warm up M’s milk for about a minute and half, while I warm up my milk for 2 minutes.

She loves this.  It’s not too sweet at all.  The sugar can be adjusted to taste also.  You don’t have to rely on those packet mixes that can be too sweet.  This one is just right amount of chocoately sweetness.

I bought my baking cocoa at Sprouts, but I’m sure you can use any brand of preference.

It’s the perfect drink for these cold winter days and nights!

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